Complete Guide on Sending Push Notifications on Android - Using Firebase

Inuwa Ibrahim
Published in
6 min readJan 14, 2021


Holla! 👋, I will explain how to send push notifications on android using Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Push notifications are messages that pop up on a users device. A user can see these notifications without having to be on the app. This is important for users retention.


We are simply going to build an app that lets a user input a message and send a push notification to that user containing that message. Simple! 😄

This is how the final app will look like

OnClick of that button

  • Push Notification is sent to the user which contains the message you inputted

Technologies Used

  1. Firebase (Cloud Messaging)
  2. Kotlin (For Android)
  3. NodeJS (Backend)
  4. Android Studio IDE


  • Set up android studio
  • Set up firebase project
  • Add dependencies
  • Set up Hilt And Retrofit
  • Set Up Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • Build view
  • Setup Repository ViewModel and View
  • Set up our backend with NodeJS

Alright, lets see each of them, one by one


Create Project

  • First download android studio and install.
  • Create A New Project — Choose Empty Activity
  • Name your project anything, I named mine Firebase Notification Android
  • Click Finish

Structure Project

We are using MVVM architectural pattern for this project

  • Create 7new packages name them — di, firebase, helper, model, view, viewmodel, network
  • Move MainActivity to the view package


  • Go to
  • Sign in and click on Add Project
  • Enter the name of your project — Name it anything,
  • Click Continue
  • On the Google Analytics page, Click Continue
  • Choose a Google Account — Select Default Account For Firebase
  • Click Create Project
  • You will see — “Your new project is ready
  • Click Continue

Congrats, you have successfully created a firebase project. Now, lets link the project with our android app

Connecting Firebase With Android

  • On your console home page click on the Android Logo
  • Android Package Name — Go to your Manifest.xml, copy the package and paste it there, it should be something like this —
  • App Nickname — Put anything there
  • Debug Signing Certificate — Go to Android Studio, Click on gradleTasks AndroidsigningReport- Copy the SHA-1 key and paste
  • Click on Register App
  • Download google-services.json and paste in you project folder app directory
  • Add all the necessary firebase dependencies
  • Sync project and you are done 👏


This app makes use of coroutines, hilt, retrofit, cloud messaging etc.

  • Open your build.gradle(app) file and add them

Open build.gradle(project) add hilt class path

.........dependencies {
classpath ''

classpath ''


  • Create 2 new class under di package name them — AppModule and MyApplication
  • AppModule — This class is used to perform injection to types such as interfaces and classes from external libraries which we do not own e.g Retrofit.
  • MyApplication — This class extends Application class. This will generate all the needed hilt codes and serve as a dependency container. It should look like this.
//Make sure you add this
class MyApplication: Application() {

  • Finally, go to your Manifest.xml file, in the application tag add android:name=”.di.MyApplication”


  • Under helper package, create a class called EndPoints

EndPoints — A class where our base url and all api calls endpoint resides

class EndPoints {

companion object {

const val BASE_URL = "https://put-your-base-url-here/"

const val SAVE_TOKEN = "save"


  • Under model package, create a class name AuthResponse
    AuthResponse — A class that models the response gotten from the server so we can take proper action
data class AuthResponse(
val message: String,
val status: String
  • Under the network package, create an interface called ApiService and 2 new classes, name them — ApiDataSource, BaseDataSource

ApiService - An interface where we will make a Post Request to our server to save a user’s name and notification token.

ApiDataSource- A class that exposes the ApiService so that we can use it in our repository

We are done with retrofit and hilt.


  • Under firebase package, create a new class - MyFirebaseMessagingService — This class extends FirebaseMessagingService that handles messages, recieving notifications in foreground, receiving data payload, sending up stream messages
  • Under helper create an objectUtility
    Utility — A utility class with a function that builds our notification — Handling stuffs such as — action when a user taps on the notification, customizing look of notification e.t.c
  • Open Manifest.xlm , before the closing application tag, add this
action android:name=""/>
  • Add a default notification icon,color and channel, add to manifest.xml within the application tag
<meta-data  android:name=""
android:resource="@drawable/ic_bell" />

android:resource="@color/colorAccent" />
android:value="@string/default_notification_channel_id" />

That should be all for configuring cloud messaging

Build View/Layout

Open main_activity.xml and use this code

Okay, now we have our not so beautiful view and everything set up, now lets set up our repository and viewmodel.

Setup Repository, ViewModel and View

  • Open viewmodel package, create 2 new classes — MainRepo and MainViewModel
    MainRepo — This class serves as a source of data for our viewModel to consume.

MainViewModel — This class communicates with the repository, the result from the api call is then returned as a LiveData (Lifecycle aware) which is then observed by our view (MainActivity)

  • Open MainActivity

Here’s what this class does

  • Get the views through ViewBinding
  • Initialize the views
  • Listen to click even on the button
  • Communicate with viewModel to register the user
  • Observe the data from the viewModel and display appropriate messages


  • Go to your firebase console, click settings icon -> Project settings
  • Switch to Service Account tab, Click Generate new private key
  • Confirm and download it
  • Now create a folder in your pc, navigate to that folder with your terminal
  • npm init and fill in all required details. This will create a package.json file
  • npm i firebase-admin on your terminal to install firebase dependency
  • Also npm i express and npm i bodyparser
  • Create a config file
  • Create index.js file

Okay, we are done. Take a deep breath! 😫

This is a link to the complete project, please check it out

You can go further by first storing the notification token against a user in your users table to target a particular user.

Also, notifications can be sent to a group of users using “topic”

Thank you!

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