Congratulations, C++ Has Become the Programming Language of the Year in 2022

Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2023


Photo by G-R Mottez on Unsplash

TIOBE CEO Paul Jansen commented that the reason for the popularity of C++ is its excellent performance as a high-level object-oriented language. Therefore, fast and large software systems (over millions of lines of code) can be developed in C++ without falling into maintenance nightmares.

Another reason for the rise of C++ is its “recent” continuous release of new language standards with interesting features. The first milestone was C++11, released in 2011, the first major change since 1998. The adoption of this new standard took several years because there were no C++ compilers available to support the new language definition. Due to C++11, C++’s position in the TIOBE index began to slowly climb up after experiencing a downward trend since 2001. The second milestone was the recent C++20, which introduced modules. This feature is likely to further boost C++’s position in the TIOBE index in the coming years.

Elsewhere, C++ rival Rust re-enters the top 20 in 2022 (up from 26th a year ago). Lua, known for its ease of interfacing with C, improved from №30 to №24, and F# jumped from №74 to №33 in a year. Some promising languages like Kotlin (from #29 to #25), Julia (from #28 to #29), and Dart (from #37 to #38) still have a long way to go in the top 20 to go.




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