Conversational AI

Salman Ibne Eunus
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2021

Do you remember the super smart Artificial Intelligence (AI) Jarvis shown in the movie Iron man from marvel studios which can do all the tasks just through voice instructions from Iron man? Do you want to talk to your dead parents or closer ones through a device which will exactly imitate them?

I know these stuffs sound so weird and only seems to be possible in sci-fi movies and in a crazy man’s imagination! Different people might see this from different perspective but with the advent of Artificial Intelligence through devices such as — Alexa, Siri, Google Home and Cortana, this dream is not so far from reality. These are very much possible in present days with a technology popularly known as — Conversational Artificial Intelligence.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence are devices or technologies such as — chatbots and voice assistants which allows humans to have conversations with them. They are highly capable of differentiating between speech and inputs from text and can also translate in different languages. They mimic human in such a way that it gives the user a vibe that they are talking to a real human being! Conversational AI require huge amounts of data along with machine learning and natural language processing techniques to make human-like interactions a reality.

One of the most common Conversational AI is a chatbot. A user of the chatbot application asks a question which is understood by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other AI algorithm. For it to work effectively — AI should comprehend what the user is implying. Another technique which ensures that the bot understand the inherent meaning of every word spoken or written by the user is known as Natural Language Understanding (NLU). NLU can also detect grammatical mistakes and shortcuts used in some cases. The AI chatbot also needs Machine Learning Algorithms to provide the right answer to the question and to get the right meaning. The chatbot must be trained by human agents to learn the different examples of the same questions and with time they learn to give the correct answer for all the possible variations. In the final step, the AI must produce their response in a format which is understandable by the human who is using it. They use Natural Language Generation (NLP) in this step.

Conversational AI also use another technology called Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). ASR receives and converts the spoken words into a machine readable format which later used by NLU and NLP tp undersatnd the real meaning of those words. After understanding the meaning, the conversation AI then responds in terms of text or synthesizes an artificial human voice by the aid of a mechanism known as Text-To-Speech (TTS). There is another element in chatbots or voice assistant which learn over time by correcting it’s own mistakes and learns from examples continuously to deliver a better outcome in future. This element is known as Reinforced Learning.

Since Artificial Intelligence, NLP and Conversational AI has become a buzz word in the 21st century due to the upgrading of computational capabilities for handling complex algorithms and mathematics. Government of the developed countries are investing in these technologies to overcome the limitation of human capabilities and to make life easier. Developing countries like — Bangladesh are also getting investment in these technologies from government and various other sources. I woould like to highlight the work of a Bangladeshi company today who is doing great worki in Conversational AI. They emerged into the market to transform Bangladesh with Artificial Intelligence. The work and dream of INTELSENSE AI particularly fascinated me a lot. They have intelligent engineers who colloborate with university professor to make interesting NLP applications which will soon transform the different sectors in Bangladesh. They have a goal and ambition to reach international market with their products like — chatbots, voice assistants and many others. INTELSENSE AI also has an amazing research team who are working day and night to bring their dream into a reality. Companies like INTELSENSE AI are continuously proving through their work and giving hope and confidence that third world countries like Bangladesh will also one day rule the technological world and will contribute enormously in this field.

Thank you all for going through my article, see you next time!




Salman Ibne Eunus
Writer for

Data Scientist|Robotics Engineer||AI Researcher| Bioinformatics