Create A Pod In Kubernetes Cluster

Learn what is Pod and how to create a Pod in the Kubernetes cluster.



Kubernetes Pod

Kubernetes had various components. The Pod is one of the Kubernetes components and the smallest unit in the Kubernetes cluster. In this article, we are going to see What is Pod and how to create a Pod.

What is Pod?

The main objective of the Kubernetes is to handle multiple containers. We can not directly run the containers inside the Kubernetes cluster. Containers are encapsulated into a Kubernetes object. That Kubernetes object is called Pod. Pods are created using the ReplicaSet(Like the source of an application). So we can easily scale up the application if the traffic increases to an application by creating multiple Pods for the same application. Communication between the multiple containers and load balancing are easily handled by the Kubernetes cluster. And you can scale down the application by deleting the Pod.

In simple terms, A Pod is used to run a container. The Pod is an abstraction over the containers.

If you want to run a Docker container in the Kubernetes cluster then we need a Pod object.




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