Create a Star Rating Widget with CSS in 9 Steps

Nevin Katz
Published in
9 min readApr 22, 2021


Photo by Sarah Vombrack on Unsplash

Star rating tools are seen on all kinds of apps and websites these days. Who knows — at one point you may be asked to build one as a quick way to collect user feedback.

Below is one way of achieving the star rating effect using pure CSS. You can glance at the finished product below.

Along the way, you’ll learn to use pseudoselectors, the “subsequent siblings” combinator (~), a few flexbox layout techniques, and a CSS transition.

While this code is Javascript-free, you will ultimately want to use some programming to parse, send, and store the value that the user selects. But for now, let’s dive into the HTML and CSS to see how to build the widget itself.

Step 1: Create one star in the “off” state

First, let’s make just one star with a hollow appearance that serves as our “off” state.

The overall container is a div container with the class star-rating.

<div class="star-rating"></div>



Nevin Katz

Developer at EDC. I write about web development and biology. Subscribe at for article roundups.