Create backends easier with DopplerTask

Feras Wilson
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2022

DopplerTask is a new revolutionary open-source automation tool that allows you to create, run and share tasks. It works on any platform as it’s written in Java, and also has a Docker image for more convenience. One of the problems DopplerTask tries to solve is the creation of backends. Backends have been hard to write from the ground up and usually take a lot of time to set up the environment, configure variables, choose a framework, choose an ORM, etc. DopplerTask solves this issue once and for all. It allows you as a user to drag and drop actions to create your backend in 10 times less time than it would normally take when using conventional methods and frameworks.

Let’s take a look at how we can achieve that using DopplerTask. Imagine you want to create a backend that offers registration and login APIs. This would be a big task if you would create everything from scratch, but let’s take a look at the image below from DopplerTask:

We start by creating a Webhook action, which allows the task to be triggered upon receiving an HTTP call. This HTTP call can be configured to be as a GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or PATCH call. If you want, you can also configure authentication methods in the Webhook.

It should look like the following picture after adding your validation, database insert, and a message that will be displayed to the user upon a successful registration:

Let’s try this out using curl:

As you can see, the user is created. Now, let’s move on and show you what a login would look like in DopplerTask. This login would accept a username and password, check that they exist in the database, generate a token, and insert the token into the database for other services to use:

Let’s see what it looks like when we try to log in:

As you can see, we get a token that can later be used to call our other services.

Our understanding of current high-level languages is that they are no longer that high level when considering how much code we write. DopplerTask is striving to fix that by providing an even higher look on backends, and also by letting you focus more on how to achieve critical business requirements in less time.

DopplerTask is available on GitHub:

DopplerTask website:

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Feras Wilson
Writer for

Founder of DopplerTask. A CTO & Solution Architect with heart set on revolutionizing the future of computing, automating and optimizing as much as possible.