Create Custom Dialogs With DialogFragment in Android

Make your dialogs the way you want

M.N Emmanuel


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on U

A dialog in programming is a view that prompts the user of some warning or request’s user to perform an action, in android, dialogs follow the same use-case and come in many types like Date picker, Time picker, Alert Dialog, but there is also the possibility to create and customize your dialogs

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can create your custom dialog for any use case you want in a step-by-step manner using Kotlin.


In android, the Alert dialog is the simplest type of dialog. It usually consists of a warning and a button or two buttons which are usually Yes, No, or Ok.

Creating an alert dialog is very simple, the Kotlin code below does just that.

val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireActivity())
builder.setMessage("This is an Alert dialog in kotlin")
.setPositiveButton("ok") { dialog, id -> dismiss()}
val alert = builder.create()


A DailogFragment in android is a subclass of the Fragment class but it specializes in creating dialogs, it is the key for creating any custom dialog of your choice.



M.N Emmanuel
Writer for

Full stack Mobile Developer, with tech stack, Android, Kotlin, java, React, React Native, Flutter, Dart, C# Xamarin.