Creating a simple 3rd person camera (Godot 4)

Let’s see how to make a RPG-like camera… that doesn’t clip into walls!

Mina Pêcheux


Cameras are always an essential mechanic in a video game, because they’re our only window on this virtual world. That’s why having a great camera can help sublimate a moment… and having a bad one can severely hinder the fun for your player!

So, today, let’s discuss how we can make a system 3rd person camera in Godot, with a RPG-like vision (à la World of Warcraft).

In this article, you’ll learn how to use a simple Godot Camera3D to film your scene while making sure it always follows the player… and how to avoid the annoying issue of it clipping into every wall!

As usual, since we’ll be coding our logic in C#, make sure that you have a version of Godot with .NET enabled.

Download a version of Godot with .NET support, to be able to program in C#! :)

And of course, don’t forget that you can get the demo scene and all the assets for this example on my Github 🚀 with all my other Godot tutorials :)



Mina Pêcheux

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)