Data Structures Every Programmer Should Understand

Joshua Reingold
Published in
10 min readNov 26, 2021


A web of interconnected strings.
Photo by Clint Adair on Unsplash

For a programmer (especially a back end developer) to be effective at their job, there are certain things that they should understand. These will include an understanding of basic language syntax, mathematical operations, Basic Database handling, Object Oriented Programming, and Algorithms.

Something also very important are the concept of Data Structures.

Data Structures are (quite simply) ways data is organized in a program. They can be organized in different ways and each way has its own advantages and disadvantages. This will attempt to showcase some of the Data Structures people should know and what their strengths are.

Note: The nature of Python abstracting a great deal of their data types means that I will not be discussing any Data Structures that are included in Python.

1. Arrays

Storage Areas next to each other.
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Perhaps one of the first Data Structures that an individual is introduced to is an Array. An array is simply a collection of primitive types or objects housed next to each other.

As far as the advantages of Arrays, one has many.



Joshua Reingold

I am a Computer Science graduate with decent knowledge in different STEM fields and some non STEM fields. I also have some knowledge in Martial Arts.