Debunking Myths About React Native in Mobile Development

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4 min readMay 28, 2024
Photo by Pathum Danthanarayana on Unsplash

In this article, we will clear up misconceptions about hybrid application development. Technologies like React Native and Expo have significantly closed the performance gap with native apps, offering developers new possibilities.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand that choosing between hybrid and native development depends on your project’s specific requirements and the user experiences you intend to deliver.

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Myth #1: Native Apps Are More Performant Than Hybrid Apps

For applications that primarily involve CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, which constitute 90% of the app market, the performance difference between native and hybrid apps is negligible.

React Native framework have made significant strides in narrowing the performance gap through improvements such as the JavaScript Interface (JSI) and incremental rendering. These advancements allow hybrid apps to achieve performance levels close to those of native apps, especially in applications where hardware demands are not as intensive.

However, for certain types of applications, particularly those that demand intensive use of the CPU, GPU, or multithreading capabilities, native apps do indeed hold a performance edge. Native development’s direct access to device hardware and platform-specific optimization enable high performance in graphics-intensive applications, augmented reality (AR), video processing, and applications leveraging AI and machine learning.

It’s crucial to recognize that although hybrid applications can utilize native APIs, the success of such integration heavily relies on the hybrid developers’ proficiency in native programming.

The optimal approach may involve a collaborative effort that combines the strengths of both hybrid and native developers to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Myth #2: Native Apps Are More Secure

Native apps have direct access to platform-specific security features and APIs, potentially offering more robust security capabilities out of the box. However, React Native provides mechanisms to integrate native code and leverage native security features. With proper implementation, React Native apps can achieve a level of security that matches native apps.

Myth #3: Better Accessibility Requires a Native App

Accessibility in mobile applications is mandated by various legal frameworks globally. Contrary to the belief that native SDKs for Android and iOS are indispensable for creating accessible apps, rewrite :React Native offers considerable support for accessibility features.

React Native’s Accessibility API enhance app accessibility, providing detailed descriptions for screen readers and ensuring the UI is comprehensible for users with visual impairments. However, creating highly accessible applications via hybrid frameworks involves unique challenges and considerations.

By prioritizing accessibility from the start, all users are ensured access, even with hybrid apps.

Myth #4: Hybrid Apps Crash More Often Than Native Apps

Hybrid apps can achieve crash-free rates as high as 99.99%. The stability of these apps depends more on factors such as the developers’ commitment to the app’s stability and the application’s domain rather than the technology stack itself.

Native app development can be more complex and bug-prone due to the intricacies of working directly with platform-specific technologies. This complexity can increase the risk of bugs if not managed properly.

Ultimately, the stability of an app, whether native or hybrid, is largely dependent on the quality of the development process, including rigorous testing, optimization, and a proactive approach to maintaining compatibility with operating system updates.

Myth #5: Hybrid Apps Are Not Accepted by App Stores

The misconception that multi-platform apps developed with React Native are not accepted by app stores is unfounded. Both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store accept apps developed with these technologies, provided they meet the respective platform’s guidelines and quality standards.

However, be careful not to confuse hybrid apps with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). PWAs are distinct from hybrid apps developed with React Native. Hybrid apps are embedded in a native app shell and distributed via app stores, allowing them to utilize device-specific hardware and software features more deeply than PWAs.

Myth #6: Limited Features with Hybrid Frameworks

The notion that cross-platform frameworks cannot rival the capabilities of native development is overstated. React Native enable developers to build bridges to native APIs, providing powerful features that closely parallel native development.

Examples include:

  • Discord: A dynamic communication platform with high-quality audio and video calling features.
  • Unity Integration: Combining immersive 3D experiences developed in Unity with React Native capabilities.
  • App Clips: Lightweight components of an app delivering specific functionalities without full app download, crafted with React Native.
  • Tesla’s Mobile App: Remote control over vehicles, real-time monitoring, and software updates.

Myth #7: Lackluster Animations

React Native’s Reanimated library create performant and intricate animations. Tools like Rive or Skia simplify creating and integrating complex animations within hybrid apps.

Choosing the Right Path

Cross-platform frameworks are changing the app development landscape. Selecting the best approach depends on your project’s specific needs. Hybrid development offers efficiency and broad reach, but for peak performance, combining it with native development expertise might be the optimal solution.



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