Docker Compose Explained

Learn how to create a YAML file for Docker containers and create containers using docker-compose.



Docker Compose Example

Docker containers are created using the docker commands in the command line tool such as command prompt for Windows and terminal for Mac, Linux. Working in the command-line tool is easy when you beginning to learn Docker. However, if you are creating a complex Docker container such as creating multiple Docker containers and connecting them using the network. Managing the complex docker code/command is a tedious task. We have to use the backslash for multiple lines. Editing the commands in the terminal is also not an easy task. To address this problem, Docker proposed a new solution.

The solution is docker-compose. The docker-compose needs a YAML file. Put all the configuration code in the YAML file such as Image name, container name, host port and container, environment variables, etc. The YAML file format will be a little bit different from the Docker commands in the command line. I created a pictorial representation to understand it better.



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