Effectively deal with your data

David Dikman
Published in
6 min readAug 19, 2021


Metabase allows for easy visualization and dashboards

Hey David, every single graph in DataStudio shows an error..

Going into 2020 our marketer at Styler moved to another company and his Google account was closed. This meant that all the queries in DataStudio, created with their account, lost permission to run.

At the time, it was not possible to transfer ownership or re-create permissions since they were assigned per query.

I asked the engineering team to come up with some alternative solutions and shortly after one of our members had set up an instance of Metabase. Shortly after I was in love.

I use Metabase extensively myself but as a team, we still haven’t begun using it fully. With single-sign-on, I easily share queries and graphs with anyone in our google suite from any of our data sources.

Since the data is live and visualized nicely I find it much easier to work with than exporting and importing into google sheets.

DataStudio has the same functionality but, I have found Metabase with its (sometimes limiting) simplicity much more simple to use. It does the job without scaring you off with options, looks good and requires very few steps to get going.

Metabase locally

In this post, I don’t just want to rant about how much I like Metabase but also…



David Dikman
Writer for

Full-stack developer and founder. Writing here and at https://greycastle.se. Currently open for contract work.