Emerging Clean Energy Technology Introduction

Brandon A Moses
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2022

The Problem:

Greenhouse gas emissions have reached a breaking point.

Our country no longer has the luxury to push-off climate change like we have in the past.

Whether you say it is a natural phenomena or not, humans have single-handedly exacerbated its impact tenfold.

Fiery wildfires in California, sinking land in Florida, reduced agricultural yields in rural areas, polluted air in populated cities, and many other detrimental impacts are a direct result from climate change. It doesn’t take a scientist to realize the effects are only going to worsen with time.

However, there is still time to reverse the downward sloping trend.

With investment in the right clean energy infrastructure and technology, we will be able to critically benefit our societal and planet’s health by decarbonizing the atmosphere.

The Politics:

With much uncertainty surrounding the industry, and shall I say, for adequate reasons, politics has dominated any talk of renewable energy investment.

Federal, State, and Local governments have all had various debates on the potential benefits and costs that their constituents will bear. The general public’s concerns have also played a large role on decisions being made.

The Opposition:

#1 “Why fix something that isn’t broken? My truck runs fine on diesel, my house is warmed by natural gas, and coal generates the electricity that allows me to work. I don’t pay much for electricity and I hope it stays that way.”

#2 “It is extremely expensive to develop and manufacture. Take for example Dominion Energy’s latest Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project that has a projected capital cost of $10 billion ($10,000,000,000.00). That’s a lot of dough. Most of it will fall back on your average taxpayer in Virginia too.”

#3 “Its intermittency and lack of resilience is a huge concern of mine. Renewable energy cannot predict load servicing and will probably result in large-scale blackouts in periods of heightened demand.”

The Supporters:

#1 “Energy security is absolutely necessary. I no longer want our country to depend on monopolistic organizations like OPEC for fuel. With economic development and diversification in clean technology, we can become self-sufficient, set our own prices, and overall have more control of the industry.”

#2 “The price of renewable energy is decreasing rapidly. Growing momentum for a greener future and affordability are both contributing to cost competitive renewable energy. As laws change and carbon prices (a tax for emitting CO2) come into consideration, renewable energy may be more economical than fossil fuels sooner rather than later.”

#3 “It is literally free energy, what is not to love about that? And not only is it free, but it also creates jobs and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The evolving global economy will force the United States to develop new sectors in order to keep up with the rest of the world. Let’s start with the energy industry.”

The Bottom-Line:

Energy is one of the most necessary commodities in the world. Without sources like wind, oil, coal, biomass, and hydropower, human society would not have advanced to where it is today.

Even though there are a plethora of opinions about clean technology, everybody can certainly agree that energy is absolutely critical moving forward.

The real focus now is on where the industry will go.

United States leadership has made it clear that diversification, affordability, energy security and storage, a reduction in our carbon footprint, and innovation of new technology are all critical moving forward.

If the renewable energy industry can significantly increase economies of scale and operate within the legal framework, we could see a massive breakthrough in technology development. Ultimately achieving the goals that current and future leadership will set for the country.

Emerging technology includes: Tidal Stream Turbines, Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), Small-Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMR), Nanoparticle-based clean Hydrogen, Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power Heliostats (CSP), Smart Electricity Grids, and much more.

Looking ahead, my research will be focused on these emerging technologies. I plan on writing about costs, risks, potential benefits, efficiency, market outlook, companies, and other popular areas. My goal is to communicate in a format that can be quickly understood by every reader.

The Conclusion:

Whether you consider yourself a strong supporter or a fierce opponent, there is no denying the massive growth unfolding within the clean energy industry today. Money is pouring in from wealthy investors, private corporations, influential politicians, and even your average wannabe crypto millionaire. With billions of dollars in flowing capital and an evolving political landscape, renewables will be an important part of our future.

If you are already a clean energy advocate or just interested in the topic in general, I plan to release one article per week focused on emerging clean technology and specific companies. Feel free to check back every once in a while to catch up on this ever-so changing industry.

If you do not support cleantech infrastructure investment, maybe I can convince you otherwise. Or at the very least, keep you informed on technology that may power your home in years to come.

I appreciate any comments or responses you may have, so leave a reply if you have any lingering thoughts.

*The opinions expressed are my own and not affiliated with my employer. This blog does not contain financial advice.

