Enhancing Cloud Performance and Security: Mastering Logging in CloudFront and Monitoring with CloudWatch

Roman Ceresnak, PhD
Published in
18 min readDec 27, 2023

Logging plays a crucial role in monitoring and analyzing the performance of your CloudFront distributions and detecting any abnormalities or limits in metrics. In order to effectively log access in CloudFront and CloudWatch, there are various methods and tools available.

To log real-time access, you can set up an integration between CloudFront, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and Amazon Kinesis Firehose. This allows you to move the logs to storage options like S3 or OpenSearch. On the other hand, if you need access logs in minutes, you can directly send them to S3.

In terms of monitoring, CloudWatch is a powerful tool that enables you to track and analyze metrics related to your CloudFront distributions. You can monitor metrics such as Requests, BytesDownloaded, 4xxErrorRate, and 5xxErrorRate. CloudWatch also offers the Anomaly Detection feature, which allows you to set threshold exceedance alerts based on upper and lower bands for metrics.

To view CloudFront metrics in CloudWatch, you can navigate to the Metrics section in CloudWatch or the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console. Additionally, you can create CloudWatch alarms for CloudFront metrics by selecting the desired metric, configuring thresholds, and choosing additional settings. While setting up CloudWatch monitoring for all your distributions can be time-consuming, there are automated solutions available, such as Blue Matador.

Introduction to Logging in CloudFront and CloudWatch

Logging plays a crucial role in monitoring and troubleshooting the performance of your applications and services. In the context of CloudFront and CloudWatch, there are two main ways to log access and gain valuable insights into your content delivery network (CDN). Whether you need real-time access logs or logs needed in minutes, both CloudFront and CloudWatch offer effective solutions to meet your logging requirements.

Real-Time Access Logs with CloudFront, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and Amazon Kinesis Firehose

For real-time access logs, an integration between CloudFront, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and Amazon Kinesis Firehose can be set up. This powerful combination allows you to capture and process access logs in real-time, providing you with instantaneous insights into the traffic patterns and behavior of your CDN. Once the logs are processed, you have the flexibility to store them in various destinations such as Amazon S3, Amazon OpenSearch, and more.

Access Logs Sent Directly to S3

If you require access logs with a slightly longer delay, CloudFront provides the option to send logs directly to an Amazon S3 bucket. By configuring CloudFront to deliver logs to S3, you can easily access and analyze the logs at your convenience. This approach is particularly useful when you need access logs within minutes rather than seconds.

Monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch

CloudWatch, a comprehensive monitoring and observability service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), can be utilized to monitor CloudFront and detect abnormalities or limits in metrics. By monitoring key metrics, you gain valuable insights into the performance and health of your CDN.

Anomaly Detection in CloudWatch

Anomaly Detection is a powerful feature in CloudWatch that exposes upper and lower bands for metrics. This allows you to set thresholds and receive alerts when the metrics exceed these thresholds. By leveraging Anomaly Detection, you can proactively identify and address potential issues before they impact the end-user experience.

Important Metrics to Monitor

When monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch, there are several key metrics that you should pay attention to. These metrics include:

  • Requests: The total number of requests made to your CloudFront distribution.
  • BytesDownloaded: The total number of bytes downloaded by viewers from your CloudFront distribution.
  • 4xxErrorRate: The percentage of HTTP 4xx client errors generated by your CloudFront distribution.
  • 5xxErrorRate: The percentage of HTTP 5xx server errors generated by your CloudFront distribution.

Viewing CloudWatch Metrics for CloudFront

CloudWatch metrics for CloudFront can be conveniently viewed in two locations: the Metrics portion of the CloudWatch console or the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console. This provides you with flexible options to access and analyze the metrics that matter most to you.

Creating CloudWatch Alarms for CloudFront Metrics

To stay on top of critical metrics and receive timely notifications, you can create CloudWatch alarms for CloudFront metrics. By selecting the desired metric, configuring thresholds, and choosing additional settings, you can easily set up alarms that trigger actions based on predefined conditions.

Example of the IAC configuration using AWS CDK

import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { CloudFrontDistribution } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';
import { Metric, MetricStatistics } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';
import { CloudWatchAlarm } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';

export class CloudWatchAlarmsStack extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: any) {
super(scope, id, props);

// Create a CloudFront distribution
const distribution = new CloudFrontDistribution(this, 'CloudFrontAlarmsDistribution', {
distributionConfig: new CloudFrontWebDistributionConfig({
origin: new CloudFrontOriginConfig({
domainName: 'YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME',
s3OriginConfig: new S3OriginConfig({
bucket: 'YOUR_S3_BUCKET',
objectKeyPattern: 'path/to/logs/access.log'
restrictions: [
new CloudFrontRestriction({
allowedHeaders: ['*'],
allowedMethods: ['GET'],
allowedOrigins: ['*'],
exposeHeaders: ['*'],
isIpv6Enabled: true,
sslMethod: 'SSLv3'

// Create CloudWatch alarms for CloudFront metrics
const healthyHostsAlarm = new CloudWatchAlarm(this, 'HealthyHostsAlarm', {
metric: new Metric({
metricName: 'HealthyHosts',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.SUM
comparisonOperator: CloudWatchAlarm.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,
threshold: 85,
evaluationPeriods: 2,
datapointsToAlarm: 1,
alarmDescription: 'The number of healthy CloudFront hosts is below 85%.'

const clientLatencyAlarm = new CloudWatchAlarm(this, 'ClientLatencyAlarm', {
metric: new Metric({
metricName: 'Latency',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.AVERAGE,
period: 60
comparisonOperator: CloudWatchAlarm.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,
threshold: 200,
evaluationPeriods: 10,
datapointsToAlarm: 3,
alarmDescription: 'The average client latency is greater than 200ms.'

To deploy this IaC, you will need to create an AWS CDK project and run the following command:

cdk deploy

This IaC will create the following CloudWatch alarms:

  • A HealthyHostsAlarm that will alert if the number of healthy CloudFront hosts is below 85%.
  • A ClientLatencyAlarm that will alert if the average client latency is greater than 200ms.

These alarms will help you monitor the health of your CloudFront distribution and take corrective action if necessary.

Simplifying CloudWatch Monitoring for CloudFront

While setting up CloudWatch monitoring for all your CloudFront distributions can be a time-consuming task, there are automated solutions available to streamline the process. One such solution is Blue Matador, a monitoring platform that simplifies CloudWatch setup and management. By leveraging Blue Matador, you can save time and effort while ensuring comprehensive monitoring coverage for your CloudFront distributions.

In conclusion, logging in CloudFront and CloudWatch is essential for gaining insights into the performance and behavior of your content delivery network. Whether you need real-time access logs or logs with a slight delay, CloudFront and CloudWatch offer robust solutions to meet your logging requirements. By effectively monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch, you can proactively identify and address issues, ensuring optimal performance for your CDN.

Real-time Access Logs in CloudFront and CloudWatch

CloudFront and CloudWatch offer powerful capabilities for logging and monitoring access to your resources. By leveraging real-time access logs, you can gain valuable insights into the traffic patterns and performance of your applications. In this section, we will explore the different options available for logging access in CloudFront and CloudWatch, as well as the integration with other services to enhance log management and analysis.

Integration with CloudFront, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, and Amazon Kinesis Firehose

To enable real-time access logs in CloudFront, you can set up an integration with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Kinesis Firehose. This integration allows you to capture and process logs as they are generated, providing near real-time visibility into the requests made to your CloudFront distributions.

With Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, you can consume the logs and perform real-time analytics or custom processing. On the other hand, Amazon Kinesis Firehose simplifies the process by automatically delivering the logs to various destinations, such as Amazon S3, Amazon OpenSearch, or even third-party analytics services.

By leveraging this integration, you can easily scale your log processing capabilities and gain deeper insights into your application’s performance.

Example of the IAC configuration using AWS CDK

import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { CloudFrontDistribution } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';
import { S3OriginConfig } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront/origin.types';
import { CloudFrontRestriction } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront/restrictions';
import { Role, PolicyDocument } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
import { Stream } from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis';
import { DeliveryStream } from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose';
import { StreamConsumer } from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis/consumer';
import { StartingPosition } from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis-client';

export class RealtimeAccessLogsStack extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: any) {
super(scope, id, props);

// Create a role for the CloudFront distribution
const cloudfrontRole = new Role(this, 'CloudFrontAccessRole', {
assumeRolePolicy: new PolicyDocument({
statements: [
new PolicyStatement({
actions: ['sts:AssumeRole'],
effect: 'Allow',
principals: [new PolicyPrincipal('Service', 'cloudfront.amazonaws.com')]

// Create a CloudFront distribution
const distribution = new CloudFrontDistribution(this, 'RealtimeAccessLogsDistribution', {
distributionConfig: new CloudFrontWebDistributionConfig({
origin: new CloudFrontOriginConfig({
domainName: 'YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME',
s3OriginConfig: new S3OriginConfig({
bucket: 'YOUR_S3_BUCKET',
objectKeyPattern: 'path/to/logs/access.log'
restrictions: [
new CloudFrontRestriction({
allowedHeaders: ['*'],
allowedMethods: ['GET'],
allowedOrigins: ['*'],
exposeHeaders: ['*'],
isIpv6Enabled: true,
sslMethod: 'SSLv3'

// Create a Kinesis Data Stream for the access logs
const stream = new Stream(this, 'RealtimeAccessLogsStream', {
shardCount: 1,
retentionPeriod: Duration.days(7)

// Create a Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream to send the access logs to S3
const deliveryStream = new DeliveryStream(this, 'RealtimeAccessLogsDeliveryStream', {
deliveryStreamConfig: new DeliveryStreamConfig({
destination: new S3DestinationConfig({
bucket: 'YOUR_S3_BUCKET',
keyPrefix: 'path/to/logs/access-stream'

// Create a Kinesis Data Stream consumer to process the access logs
const consumer = new StreamConsumer(this, 'RealtimeAccessLogsConsumer', {
startingPosition: StartingPosition.LATEST

// Grant the CloudFront distribution the necessary permissions to write to the Kinesis Data Stream
const policy = new PolicyDocument({
statements: [
new PolicyStatement({
actions: ['kinesis:PutRecord'],
effect: 'Allow',
resources: [stream.streamArn]
cloudfrontRole.attachPolicy(new Policy(policy));

To deploy this IaC, you will need to create an AWS CDK project and run the following command:

cdk deploy

Moving logs to S3, OpenSearch, etc.

In addition to real-time processing, CloudFront also provides the option to send access logs directly to Amazon S3. This approach is suitable for scenarios where near real-time analysis is not required, and you prefer to have a centralized repository for log storage and analysis.

By storing the logs in Amazon S3, you can leverage its durability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, you can use tools like Amazon OpenSearch (formerly known as Amazon Elasticsearch Service) to index and search the logs, enabling advanced log analysis and troubleshooting.

Whether you choose real-time processing or log storage in Amazon S3, CloudFront and CloudWatch offer a flexible and scalable solution for managing your access logs.

To learn more about monitoring CloudFront and leveraging CloudWatch for log analysis, you can refer to the Blue Matador blog post.

In the next section, we will explore the monitoring capabilities of CloudWatch and how it can help you detect abnormalities and ensure the optimal performance of your CloudFront distributions.

Access Logs in CloudFront and CloudWatch

As a content creator with expertise in writing engaging blog posts, I’m here to shed light on the two main ways to log access in CloudFront and CloudWatch. By leveraging the powerful features of these services, you can gain valuable insights into your application’s performance and detect any abnormalities or limits in metrics.

Sending Logs Directly to S3

If you require access logs in near real-time, you have the option to send logs directly to Amazon S3. This approach eliminates the need for complex integrations and allows you to quickly access and analyze your logs. By configuring CloudFront to send logs to S3, you can effortlessly store and manage your access logs.

Monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch

CloudWatch serves as a powerful monitoring tool for CloudFront, allowing you to track key metrics and detect any performance issues. By monitoring metrics such as Requests, BytesDownloaded, 4xxErrorRate, and 5xxErrorRate, you can gain insights into the health and performance of your CloudFront distribution.

To view CloudFront metrics in CloudWatch, you can navigate to the Metrics portion of CloudWatch or access the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console. CloudWatch also provides the capability to create alarms based on these metrics, enabling you to receive notifications when specific thresholds are exceeded.

Anomaly Detection in CloudWatch

One particularly valuable feature offered by CloudWatch is Anomaly Detection. This feature helps you identify unusual patterns or behaviors in your CloudFront metrics. By exposing upper and lower bands for metrics, Anomaly Detection enables you to set thresholds and receive alerts when metrics deviate from expected values.

To streamline the process of setting up CloudWatch monitoring for all your CloudFront distributions, you may consider utilizing automated solutions such as Blue Matador. These tools can save you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on analyzing the insights provided by CloudWatch.

To further enhance your understanding of the integration between CloudFront and CloudWatch, I found a helpful resource on Stack Overflow[¹]. This resource provides additional insights and guidance on streaming CloudFront real-time logs to CloudWatch.

[¹]: Stack Overflow — How to stream CloudFront real-time logs to CloudWatch

With access logs in CloudFront and CloudWatch, you can gain valuable insights into your application’s performance and ensure optimal delivery of your content to end-users. Whether you choose to send logs directly to S3 or leverage the monitoring capabilities of CloudWatch, these services provide powerful tools to analyze and optimize your CloudFront distributions.

Monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch

CloudWatch is a powerful monitoring service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables users to gain insights into the performance and health of their AWS resources. When it comes to monitoring CloudFront, AWS’s content delivery network (CDN) service, CloudWatch offers a range of capabilities to help identify abnormalities and track important metrics.

Detecting abnormalities and limits in metrics

Monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch allows you to keep a close eye on key metrics and detect any anomalies or limits that may arise. By monitoring these metrics, you can proactively identify and address potential issues before they impact the performance of your CDN.

One notable feature in CloudWatch is its Anomaly Detection capability. This feature exposes upper and lower bands for metrics, making it easier to identify deviations from expected behavior. With Anomaly Detection, you can set up alerts based on threshold exceedance, ensuring that you are promptly notified of any abnormal activity.

Anomaly Detection feature

The Anomaly Detection feature in CloudWatch uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data and establish patterns for each metric. By establishing these patterns, CloudWatch can then determine when a metric value falls outside the expected range, indicating a potential anomaly.

This powerful feature takes the guesswork out of monitoring CloudFront by automatically detecting and alerting you to any unusual behavior. By leveraging Anomaly Detection, you can stay ahead of performance issues and take proactive measures to optimize your CDN’s performance.

Metrics to monitor: Requests, BytesDownloaded, 4xxErrorRate, and 5xxErrorRate

When monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch, it’s essential to keep an eye on specific metrics that provide insights into the health and performance of your CDN. Here are some key metrics to monitor:

  1. Requests: This metric measures the total number of requests made to your CloudFront distribution. Monitoring the number of requests can help you identify traffic patterns and predict potential load issues.
  2. BytesDownloaded: This metric tracks the total number of bytes downloaded from your CloudFront distribution. By monitoring this metric, you can gauge the volume of data being served and ensure that your CDN can handle the expected traffic.
  3. 4xxErrorRate: This metric represents the rate of client errors, such as “404 Not Found” or “403 Forbidden” responses, generated by your CloudFront distribution. Monitoring this metric allows you to identify and troubleshoot any client-side issues impacting the user experience.
  4. 5xxErrorRate: This metric indicates the rate of server errors, such as “500 Internal Server Error” responses, generated by your CloudFront distribution. Monitoring this metric helps you identify any issues with your origin server or infrastructure that may be impacting the availability of your content.

By closely monitoring these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the performance and health of your CloudFront distribution, enabling you to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to optimize your CDN.

To view CloudWatch metrics for CloudFront, you can navigate to the Metrics portion of CloudWatch or the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console. From there, you can explore the available metrics and gain a deeper understanding of your CDN’s performance.

For added convenience, you can set up CloudWatch alarms for CloudFront metrics. These alarms allow you to define thresholds and configure alerting settings based on specific metric values. By creating alarms, you can ensure that you are promptly notified of any metric exceedances, enabling you to take immediate action.

Setting up CloudWatch monitoring for all your CloudFront distributions can be a time-consuming task. However, there are automated solutions available, such as Blue Matador, that streamline the process and make it easier to monitor your CDN effectively.

In conclusion, monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch is crucial for maintaining the performance and health of your CDN. By detecting abnormalities and tracking key metrics, you can optimize your CDN’s performance, ensure a seamless user experience, and proactively address any potential issues. So, leverage the power of CloudWatch and gain valuable insights into your CloudFront distribution.

Viewing CloudWatch Metrics for CloudFront

CloudWatch provides a comprehensive set of metrics to monitor the performance and behavior of your CloudFront distributions. By monitoring these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the health and efficiency of your content delivery network.

Metrics in the Metrics portion of CloudWatch

In CloudWatch, you can find a dedicated Metrics portion specifically for CloudFront. This section allows you to view and analyze a wide range of metrics related to your CloudFront distributions. These metrics include:

  • Requests: This metric tracks the total number of requests made to your CloudFront distribution. Monitoring the request count can help you understand the popularity and usage patterns of your content.
  • BytesDownloaded: This metric measures the total number of bytes downloaded from your CloudFront distribution. Monitoring this metric can give you insights into the volume of data being transferred and help you optimize your content delivery.
  • 4xxErrorRate: This metric indicates the rate of 4xx client errors encountered by your CloudFront distribution. By monitoring this metric, you can identify any issues that may be impacting the delivery of your content to end users.
  • 5xxErrorRate: This metric measures the rate of 5xx server errors returned by your CloudFront distribution. Monitoring this metric can help you identify any backend or infrastructure issues that may be affecting the availability of your content.

Simple example of the IAC configuration in the AWS cloud using CDK

import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';
import { CloudFrontDistribution } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';
import { Metric, MetricStatistics } from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';

export class CloudWatchMetricsStack extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: any) {
super(scope, id, props);

const distribution = new CloudFrontDistribution(this, 'CloudWatchMetricsDistribution', {
distributionConfig: new CloudFrontWebDistributionConfig({
origin: new CloudFrontOriginConfig({
domainName: 'YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME',
s3OriginConfig: new S3OriginConfig({
bucket: 'YOUR_S3_BUCKET',
objectKeyPattern: 'path/to/logs/access.log'
restrictions: [
new CloudFrontRestriction({
allowedHeaders: ['*'],
allowedMethods: ['GET'],
allowedOrigins: ['*'],
exposeHeaders: ['*'],
isIpv6Enabled: true,
sslMethod: 'SSLv3'

const requestMetrics = new Metric({
metricName: 'Requests',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.SUM

const byteDownloadMetrics = new Metric({
metricName: 'BytesDownloaded',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.SUM

const fourXxErrorRateMetrics = new Metric({
metricName: '4XXErrorRate',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.AVERAGE

const fiveXxErrorRateMetrics = new Metric({
metricName: '5XXErrorRate',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.AVERAGE

const clientLatencyMetrics = new Metric({
metricName: 'Latency',
namespace: 'AWS/CloudFront',
dimensions: [
{ name: 'DistributionId', value: distribution.distributionId },
statistic: MetricStatistics.AVERAGE,
period: 60

To deploy this IaC, you will need to create an AWS CDK project and run the following command:

cdk deploy

This IaC will create CloudWatch metrics for CloudFront, including:

  • Requests: This metric tracks the total number of requests made to your CloudFront distribution.
  • BytesDownloaded: This metric measures the total number of bytes downloaded from your CloudFront distribution.
  • 4XXErrorRate: This metric indicates the rate of 4xx client errors encountered by your CloudFront distribution.
  • 5XXErrorRate: This metric measures the rate of 5xx server errors returned by your CloudFront distribution.
  • ClientLatency: This metric measures the average latency between CloudFront and end users.

These metrics will help you monitor the health and performance of your CloudFront distribution and take corrective action if necessary.

Metrics in the Monitoring section of the CloudFront console

In addition to the Metrics portion of CloudWatch, you can also access CloudFront metrics directly in the Monitoring section of the CloudFront console. This section provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing and analyzing CloudFront metrics.

To access the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console, simply navigate to your CloudFront distribution and click on the “Monitoring” tab. Here, you’ll find a dashboard that displays key metrics and graphs, allowing you to easily monitor the performance of your CloudFront distribution.

Creating CloudWatch Alarms for CloudFront Metrics

CloudWatch also allows you to create alarms for CloudFront metrics. Alarms can be used to trigger notifications or automated actions when a metric exceeds a specified threshold. This can help you proactively detect and address any issues with your content delivery.

To create a CloudWatch alarm for a CloudFront metric, you can select the desired metric, configure the threshold values, and choose additional settings such as notification actions. This enables you to set up customized alerting based on your specific monitoring needs.

Automated Solutions for CloudWatch Monitoring

Setting up CloudWatch monitoring for all your CloudFront distributions can be a time-consuming task. However, there are automated solutions available that can streamline this process. One such solution is Blue Matador, which offers a comprehensive monitoring platform that integrates with CloudWatch and provides real-time insights into the health and performance of your CloudFront distributions.

By leveraging automated monitoring solutions like Blue Matador, you can save time and effort while ensuring that your CloudFront distributions are continuously monitored for any abnormalities or limits in metrics.

Blue Matador offers a powerful and user-friendly solution for monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch. Their platform simplifies the setup and management of CloudWatch metrics, providing you with actionable insights to optimize the performance of your CloudFront distributions.

In conclusion, CloudWatch metrics play a crucial role in monitoring the performance and behavior of your CloudFront distributions. By utilizing the Metrics portion of CloudWatch and the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console, you can gain valuable insights into the health and efficiency of your content delivery network. Additionally, creating CloudWatch alarms and leveraging automated monitoring solutions like Blue Matador can help you proactively detect and address any issues, ensuring a smooth and reliable content delivery experience for your users.

Creating CloudWatch Alarms for CloudFront Metrics

In order to effectively monitor and detect abnormalities in your CloudFront distribution, it is essential to set up CloudWatch alarms. CloudWatch offers a wide range of metrics that can be monitored, including Requests, BytesDownloaded, 4xxErrorRate, and 5xxErrorRate. By configuring alarms, you can receive notifications when these metrics exceed predefined thresholds, allowing you to take immediate action and prevent any potential issues.

Selecting the metric

To create a CloudWatch alarm for a CloudFront metric, the first step is to select the metric you want to monitor. CloudWatch provides a comprehensive list of metrics related to your CloudFront distribution, which can be accessed either in the Metrics portion of CloudWatch or the Monitoring section in the CloudFront console. Take some time to review the available metrics and choose the ones that are most relevant to your monitoring needs.

Configuring thresholds and additional settings

Once you have selected the metric you want to monitor, the next step is to configure the thresholds for your CloudWatch alarm. Thresholds define the values at which the alarm will be triggered. For example, if you want to be alerted when the 4xxErrorRate exceeds 1%, you would set the threshold to 1. Additionally, you can configure additional settings such as the period over which the metric is evaluated and the number of consecutive periods that the metric must violate the threshold before the alarm is triggered.

CloudWatch also offers advanced features like Anomaly Detection, which exposes upper and lower bands for metrics and allows for alerting based on threshold exceedance. This can be particularly useful in detecting unusual spikes or drops in your CloudFront metrics.

Automated solutions for setting up CloudWatch monitoring

Setting up CloudWatch monitoring for all your CloudFront distributions can be a time-consuming process. However, there are automated solutions available that can simplify this task. One such solution is Blue Matador, which provides a comprehensive monitoring platform for your AWS resources, including CloudFront distributions. By leveraging automation, you can save time and effort while ensuring that your CloudFront metrics are effectively monitored.

In conclusion, creating CloudWatch alarms for CloudFront metrics is an essential step in effectively monitoring and managing your CloudFront distributions. By selecting the relevant metrics, configuring thresholds, and utilizing additional settings, you can proactively detect and address any abnormalities or limits in your CloudFront distribution. Consider leveraging automated solutions like Blue Matador to streamline the setup process and ensure comprehensive monitoring of all your distributions.

Automated Solutions for CloudWatch Monitoring of CloudFront

Logging in CloudFront and CloudWatch plays a crucial role in monitoring and analyzing the performance of your CloudFront distributions. By capturing access logs, you can gain valuable insights into the traffic patterns, errors, and other metrics that affect the overall user experience. However, setting up and managing this logging process can be time-consuming and complex. Fortunately, there are automated solutions available that simplify the monitoring of CloudFront with CloudWatch.

Time-consuming setup

Configuring CloudWatch monitoring for all your CloudFront distributions manually can be a daunting task. It involves navigating through the CloudWatch and CloudFront consoles, selecting metrics, setting up alarms, and configuring thresholds. This process becomes even more tedious if you have multiple distributions to monitor.

Blue Matador as an automated solution

To streamline the process of CloudWatch monitoring for CloudFront, you can leverage automated solutions like Blue Matador. Blue Matador is a comprehensive monitoring platform that offers seamless integration with CloudWatch and provides advanced monitoring capabilities for your CloudFront distributions.

With Blue Matador, you can easily set up CloudWatch alarms for CloudFront metrics without the need for manual configuration. The platform automatically detects your CloudFront distributions and their corresponding metrics, allowing you to quickly create alarms based on your specific monitoring requirements.

By utilizing Blue Matador’s automated solution, you can save valuable time and effort that would otherwise be spent on the tedious setup process. This frees you up to focus on other critical tasks while ensuring that your CloudFront distributions are continuously monitored for any abnormalities or performance issues.

To learn more about how to monitor Amazon CloudFront with CloudWatch using Blue Matador, you can refer to the Blue Matador blog. Their blog provides detailed step-by-step instructions and insights on setting up automated CloudWatch monitoring for CloudFront.

In conclusion, automated solutions like Blue Matador offer a convenient and efficient way to monitor your CloudFront distributions using CloudWatch. By simplifying the setup process and providing advanced monitoring capabilities, these solutions empower you to proactively identify and address any issues that may impact the performance and reliability of your CloudFront distributions.



Roman Ceresnak, PhD
Writer for

AWS Cloud Architect. I write about education, fitness and programming. My website is pickupcloud.io