Failing to add CodeMirror 6 (and then Succeeding)

Bringing a non-React project into a React project

In the last post I created a React component that intercepted and formatted the arguments for console.log and console.error.

In this post I’ll be upgrading from a simple <textarea> to something that is designed to show code.

What Should I Use?

After mulling over a few different options, even considering making something from scratch, I decided that CodeMirror would be the best fit for short code snippets.

Fortunately, CodeMirror v6 is out and it’s a fantastic opportunity to try it out.

Creating the Editor Component

The editor component will live in src/components/editor/index.tsx. For now, it will be an empty react component.

We’ll also need to install some libraries from npm

CodeMirror needs to be attached to a DOM node, so we’ll add it via a ref. We’ll also use a <section> for some added semantics. In the world of TypeScript types, I learned that any HTML element that doesn’t need more than what the base interface provides, like <section>, should use the HTMLElement type.

editorRef will be null until the DOM node is selected, so a useEffect is needed to attach the editor.

Passing the State

Note: this section deviates from the video as the mistakes I made there are not particularly important to go over.

The component that will be using the <Editor> will need to evaluate what is being typed in. In other words, the Editor will need to accept a callback function that it can call to pass the state to the parent.

I tried using EditorState["doc"] and EditorState, however, what worked was returning the EditorView.

I also realised that there was no need to have EditorState declared inside the component, so I moved it out.

In the editor component setView can be called as soon as the view is ready. It’s also important to destroy the view when the editor is unmounted.

The parent component can be updated to use the <Editor> component as well as to update the code evaluator to use the EditorView.state.doc.


I put CodeMirror version 6 into a React component.

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𝐁𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭

My goal is to serve humanity and to bring happiness to others. I want to understand the problems around us and help find solutions.