Federated Microservices

From Many, One

Tyson Midboe


What are Federated Microservices?

Federated Microservices are the independently deployable components of a federated application. In a federated application, components are loaded from multiple network locations and repositories at runtime. They are not developed by a single team or built from a single codebase. Multiple federated application components can run in a single application instance; and can be redeployed at any time, without restarting the application or interrupting other components that happen to be running.

What purpose do they serve?

Not incidentally, the word “federation” accurately describes the structure of the development organization microservices enables: one made up of small, independent teams. Despite this internal autonomy, the software produced by each team interacts successfully. Let’s consider what enables this result and what role distributed computing plays.

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Tyson Midboe
Writer for

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