FFS Would You Clowns Learn To Write HTML Tables Properly!!!

Jason Knight
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2022


I recently came across this on the hotter and hotter burning dumpster fire known as “Muskie The Carnie Busker’s Mismanagement Disaster”

Laugh is when I first saw this my eyes went right to the code saying “where’s his scope?”

Now I could forgive the nube not knowing about SCOPE or that TBODY rows can have headings too… or not realizing that a header and a heading are in fact not the same thing and serve different purposes.

No, what raises my ire is the pig-pile of quacks, morons, fools and outright dipshits screaming about how “right’ this is and what “shit” HTML is because of it.

And that general ignorance of everyone nodding their heads to this like a bunch of mindless sheep is roughly analogous to the toxic masculinity “fake geek girl” attack against the mad excellent Duella Dent cosplay from a few years back.

But it’s not just that one meme that’s yanking my chain. I’ve had multiple times of late where people flapping their arse-cheeks in the wind about the “Accessibility’ of tables and how CSS ‘changes that” seem just as freaking gormless!

Like I can’t find it right now, but a response to one of my articles someone posted a link to some assclown talking about…



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse