Five Times Excel Led to Disaster

When Excel is misused, it can have catastrophic consequences

Andrew Moss


Excel is so ubiquitous it can give many the false impression they are more adept with it than they actually are. Let’s face it: everyone has it on their computer — whether at home or the workplace. But how many users can say they are aware of all its features and capabilities?

Most of the time, the mistakes people make have nothing to do with not possessing guru-esque Excel knowledge. They usually stem from being unaware of the nuances and intricacies that make up the application.

For all the benefits spreadsheets provide, they can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, they give you freedom and flexibility. On the other, they can be mishandled and error-ridden.

Be warned: sloppy and amateurish mistakes have consequences. Sometimes those consequences are worth millions, billions, and even human lives.

I’m going to go through five occasions when Excel was misused in the workplace. I’ve also included a verdict for each with my own post-mortem!

5. Tickets Oversold at Olympics (2011)

