Four Things HTML / CSS “Framework Stupid” Developers Don’t Seem To Understand

Jason Knight
Published in
13 min readJan 25, 2024


Or at least seem to not care one iota about.

Note, this article will repeat things I’ve said before in other articles, but I wanted one place to point the fanboys — creaming their panties over their dipshit frameworks — at to explain the concepts they seem to ignore, not understand, or say “You’re not actually saying anything” because they never learned these things.

Also harsh language warning: If a little stern response and venting of frustration — or worse still some zoilist deconstruction — “offends you” please just sod off now. If your intent is to “respond to tone” and prefer soothing syrup fribble? Please just save us all some time by sparing me the displeasure of your company. You possess all of the virtues I despise and none of the vices I admire. I hope that we can become better strangers to each other.


For well over a decade I’ve been butting heads with not just the users of frameworks, but the leasing-mongers who create them. This past week it really came to a head again with a client who basically I had to walk away from. Their unwillingness to accept accessibility fixes because it meant throwing all the “framework stupid” in the trash was why I can’t help them. Nor would/should anyone else and they’re going to



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse