Getting started with Azure AD Self-Service Sign-Up via user flows

Tai Bo
6 min readFeb 26, 2021


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Microsoft has added several great features to help with managing identity and access of an external user in B2B collaboration. One such feature is the Azure AD Self-Service Sign-Up via user flows for an external user to sign up as a guest user in the host Azure AD tenant. I found the feature to be promising, but at the time of writing, it’s still in preview and have limitations.

What is Self-Service Sign-Up via user flows?

The self-service sign-up provides several configurations for capturing information about the user on sign-up, integrating with social identity providers (Facebook, Google and other SAML/WS-Fed IdP), and integrating with custom REST APIs to manage approval process and perform necessary business logics.

Azure AD self-service sign-up via user flows

Before you can use the self-service sign-up, you need to enable it. Under Azure Active Directory, go to User settings and click on the link Manage external collaboration settings.



Tai Bo
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Backend developer in .NET core. I enjoy the outdoor, hanging out with good friends, reading and personal development.