Global variables and JavaScript modules

Or how to load a library as a module when it is not released as a module.

Marian Čaikovski


A window borrowed from

About the Window object

In a web browser, Window is an object whose properties are accessible from any scope of any script of a web page.

In classic scripts, Window can accessed in several ways:

  • Using window or self properties of the Window
  • Using this keyword outside a method
  • Using globalThis keyword

In modules, this never refers to the Window. Outside a method this value is undefined.

Let’s demonstrate that using a simple script:

console.log( document.currentScript ? 'classic' : 'module' );
console.log('window='+ window);
console.log('self=' + self, window === self);
console.log('this=' + this, window === this);
console.log('globalThis=' + globalThis, window === globalThis);

The first statement of the script window.js prints how the script is executed — as a classic script or as a module. Then the following statements print values of window, self, this and globalThis and test their equality with window.



Marian Čaikovski
Writer for

Java, JavaScript and SQL developer. Interested in data collection and visualization.