Go 1.16 is Launched

Stefanie Lai
6 min readFeb 23, 2021


Go1.16! , by author

Last week, Go1.16 was released, bringing relatively more changes than version 1.15, which was influenced by the epidemic.

The update is in many aspects, including compilation, deployment, standard library, etc. In the official Go document, all changes are classified based on Tools, Runtime, Complier, etc.

It is undoubtedly good to dig into all the changes, but sometimes we understand them this moment and forget them the next second, not to mention truly grasping all of them. For easier memorizing, I divide the changes, I think are important to ordinary developers, into two categories.

  • Underlining Change, including all non-code-related changes.
  • Standard library updates, which is closely related to coding.

Then let’s see some changes and discover their impacts with specific examples.


  • Better support for macOS arm64

By working closely with the Apple M1 chip’s arm64 architecture, there is a better stand by for Mac-based development. Furthermore, both cgo and the functions of compiling dynamic/static link libraries are supported. For more information, please refer to this official blog.

  • Enabling Go Module by default

