Google BigQuery vs. Microsoft Azure Synapse

What is the better SaaS Data Warehouse Solution?



Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

In terms of new Saas-based Cloud Data Warehouses, there are several solutions on the market, all major cloud providers offer solutions but there are also some independent solutions. Recently I compared Google BigQuery vs. Snowflake. Today I’ll take a look at BigQuery vs. Azure Synapse.

Google BigQuery

This solution is a SaaS-based Cloud Data Warehouse that has its own internal solutions for Business Intelligence (Data Studio) and Machine Learning (BigQuery ML). With BigQuery ML you can develop models with jusing just SQL. Read here for more.

BigQuery Omni extends BigQuery to analyze data across multiple clouds using Anthos. With the new Service called BigLake, Google even allows organizations to unify Data Warehouses and Data Lakes, and enable them to perform uniform fine-grained access control, and accelerate query performance across multi-cloud storage and open formats.[1] Google Sheets can be easily connected and allows users to analyze billions of rows of live BigQuery data in Spreadsheets.



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