Google just launched BigQuery Studio

How the brand new Feature eases Data Analysis & Science Tasks



Photo by Vitalii Onyshchuk on Unsplash

Google has just stated that BigQuery Studio is now in preview. With BigQuery Studio, Google wants to make it easier for you to discover, explore, analyze, and run inference on data in BigQuery, including[1]:

Python notebooks, powered by Colab Enterprise. Notebooks provide one-click Python development runtimes, and built-in support for BigQuery DataFrames.

Asset management and version history for notebooks and saved queries, powered by Dataform.

If the feature is not available for you yet, it might be due to the fact that it’s in preview and you might use a free tier. However, down below you can see a GIF about how the whole will look when this feature is generally available.

BigQuery Studio in Preview — Image Source: Google[2]

BigQuery Studio shall enable users to discover, explore, analyze and predict data more easily. When using BigQuery Studio, you therefore can start in a programming notebook to validate and prep data, then open that notebook in other services, including Vertex AI, Google’s managed machine learning platform in order to continue their work with…



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