Google just launched Pipe Syntax for BigQuery

You can now use Pipe Syntax when writing GoogleSQL Code



Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

You can now use pipe syntax anywhere you write GoogleSQL. Pipe syntax supports a linear query structure designed to make your queries easier to read, write, and maintain[1].

SQL pipe syntax (|>) is a way of chaining operations in a readable and functional style, where the result of one expression is passed as input to the next. Google’s official statement is[2]:

In GoogleSQL, we’ve taken a different approach — solving SQL’s problems by extending SQL. Inspired by a pattern that works well in other modern data languages, we added piped data flow syntax to SQL. The results are transformative — SQL becomes a flexible language that’s easier to learn, use and extend, while still leveraging the existing SQL ecosystem and existing userbase. Improving SQL from within allows incrementally adopting new features, without migrations and without learning a new language, making this a more productive approach to improve on standard SQL.

In SQL, this syntax is not native but is often emulated in tools like dbt, BigQuery, or some SQL query builders. It allows users to write SQL transformations in a cleaner, more modular manner by piping data from one step directly into the next[3][4].




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Written by Christianlauer

Big Data Enthusiast based in Hamburg and Kiel. Thankful if you would support my writing via:

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