Google Killed Web 3… In 2013

Andrew Zuo
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2022


Apple News
Photo by Lucas Hoang on Unsplash

In 2013 Google killed a little product called Google Reader. And I’m still mad.

You know I was thinking about writing a post about how Google doesn’t really kill that many products if you consider how many products they have. It’s true, they have like a million products. Like, I’m looking at killed by google and apparently they killed their… yoga service? Apparently, it was called Fitstar Yoga. Was anyone aware that Google had a yoga service? Yeah, me neither.

But you know there will always be an asterisk on that post, because they killed Google Reader.


Now I don’t want to talk about it because I’m sad about it, no, we must all move on. I’m talking about this because of RSS. Google Reader was an RSS reader. And I consider RSS the first ‘Web 3.0’.

So RSS is a way of getting articles from a website without actually visiting the website manually. So YouTube has an RSS feed for each channel of every single video they’ve published. Reddit has an RSS feed for each subreddit of every post. And basically, every single blog has an RSS feed of its posts.

So you can get an RSS reader like Google Reader and get it to fetch articles from an RSS feed. And here’s the magic part, you can have one RSS reader fetch stories from multiple sites. So you can have any number of sites…

