How I Consistently Study and Write with a Full-Time Job as a Software Engineer

Uncovering the routine I follow to accomplish things during a complex day

David Goudet


I was talking to my friend Andrea (also a software developer) some days ago, and she told me this:

A capture of my conversation with Andrea

For many professionals, this conversation won’t make sense, but for software engineers, it is perfectly understandable:

According to a survey, software engineers stay in the same job for a median of only 2.3 years in large companies and 1.5 in small companies.

Software engineers learn more than the rest of the population. This makes sense — while the rate of change is fast across all industries, it’s particularly rapid in the ever-changing field of tech.

48 percent of software engineers said they recently learned a new skill, compared to 36 percent among all professionals.

5 Facts About Software Engineers

But learning while having a full-time job could be a lot for many of us. In this article, I will uncover my secrets for studying, working, and having a side hustle:



David Goudet
Writer for

Senior Software Engineer from Venezuela living in Madrid. Top Writer in AI and Technology. Singularity University/US Dept of State alumni.