How IT Stopped Being Boring

The journey from tucked in grey shirts to hoodies

Simon Pitt


They call themselves the digital team, but they’re just posting pictures of cats to each other, no one seems to have the sides off their computers anymore. Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash

He’s short, grey hair, mustache, balding, wearing a short-sleeved checked shirt. In his office (which has no windows) is an O’Reilly XSLT book with a Heron on the front. Let’s call him Gordon (the man with the checked shirt, that is, not the Heron).

A few things you should know about Gordon:

  1. He loves comments in his VBScript files. And if you don’t put comments in the right format, that script will be deleted.
  2. You cannot write any code until you know about networking. And Microsoft installer packages. And Configuration Manager. He’ll start by teaching you about Windows NT 4.0, even though that came out in 1996.
  3. It’s his way or the highway. What the sysadmin can give, the sysadmin can taketh away. He has that on a magnet on the fridge. You’re welcome to put your lunch in the fridge, but if it’s there on Friday at 3 pm it will be thrown out. He treats the fridge the same way he treats temp folders on his servers.
  4. You will not be granted admin rights on your computer.
You may not borrow this mug. Photo by Amazon



Simon Pitt
Writer for

Media techie, software person, and web-stuff doer. Head of Corporate Digital at BBC, but views my own. More at