How many ways are there to create your first Spring Boot application ?

Khushi Vashishtha
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2024

1. Spring boot initializr

2. By using IntelliJ

3. By using Eclipse

4. By using STS ( Spring Tool Suite )

  1. Spring boot initializr : This is perhaps the most common and recommended way to create a Spring Boot application. Spring Initializr is a web-based tool provided by the Spring team to bootstrap your Spring Boot project. You can choose your project’s configuration, such as the project’s language (Java, Kotlin, Groovy), Spring Boot version, dependencies (like web, data JPA, security), and packaging format (JAR or WAR). Once you’ve configured your project, you can download a zip file containing the project structure, which you can then import into your favorite IDE.

Steps to create Spring Boot application :

  • select these radio buttons.
  • Add Dependencies
  • Generate CTRL
  • Download Zip file
  • Extract the Zip file
  • Import in any IDE

2. Using IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ IDEA is a popular Java IDE that provides excellent support for Spring Boot development. You can create a new Spring Boot project in IntelliJ by selecting

steps to create apllication.

  • New Project
  • write name/package
  • create
  • Provide “Spring boot starter web” dependency in the pom.xml file.
  • And Save the POM.xml file. After saving the pom.xml file all dependencies would be added in the project.
  • Declare a class with main() method.
  • Provide @SpringBootApplication annotation over the main class.
  • Inside the main() method access method.

3. Using Eclipse: Eclipse is another popular IDE for Java development. You can create a new Spring Boot project.

Stpes to create application :

  • Choose maven project
  • archetype-quickstart
  • ArtifactID: app01, Group Id : Package name (write package/project name).
  • finish
  • Provide “Spring boot starter web” dependency in the pom.xml file.
  • a. Declare a class with main() method.
  • b. Provide @SpringBootApplication annotation over the main class
  • c. Inside the main() method access method.

4. Using Spring Tool Suite (STS): STS is an IDE based on Eclipse that is tailored for Spring Framework development. STS provides additional features and tools specifically designed for Spring development, making it a good choice for Spring Boot projects.

Steps to create Spring Boot application :

  • File
  • new
  • Spring Stater project
  • select (name/group. . )
  • new spring boot starter project dependencies (Choosse Spring web )
  • finish

Run the project using Spring Boot App .



Khushi Vashishtha
Writer for

CS student | Java Developer | Tech Blogger @ Medium | Sharing Java insights, tutorials, and tips.