How much does it Cost to Hire a remote Swift Developer?

chris evans
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2022
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Apple has a nearly 1 billion market. With this increase in demand for IOS applications, the demand for iOS development or Swift app development is also increasing, and hence the cost to hire a remote developer has changed exponentially.

Swift is one of the most powerful programming languages that is used for iOS development. With the help of this article, you will learn about the cost to hire iOS developers and the parameters that affect it.

Let us start with discussing what are the distinct categories of Swift developers and how this helps to decide the cost to hire them.

Categories of Swift Developers

Usually, companies are hiring employees to belong to these categories:

1. Part-time employees

They usually work for 4–5 hours a day.

2. Full-time employees

They usually work for 8–9 hours a day.

3. Freelancers

They work based on the contract signed between them and the organization.

What is the Salary of a Full-time Swift Developer at various locations?


Salary (Average)


$25000 per annum

United States

$85000 to $150000 per annum

United Kingdom

$150000 per annum


$20000 per annum


$166,750 per annum

This cost to hire a Swift developer may change. Certain factors will impact this salary range. Let us discuss them.

Read More: Key Differences Between Android And iOS App Development

Different Factors That Affect the Cost to Hire the best iOS Developers

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Here are several factors that have an impact on the cost to hire iOS developers.

1) Developer’s Experience:

You can hire an experienced developer or a fresher one based on your requirement. Usually, a candidate having experience will expect more pay as compared to a fresh candidate. Let us understand this with the classification given below.

Candidate with 0–1 year of experience:

These types of candidates can be grouped as fresher candidates. They might have certificates in swift development but possess less practical experience.

Candidates with 1–4 years of Experience:

These working professionals can be grouped as junior-level swift development experts. With these many years of experience, they usually work under senior or mid-senior level employees. These professionals may have a basic understanding of IOS frameworks.

Candidates with 4–10 years of Experience:

Candidates with these many years of experience can possess a better understanding of frameworks in comparison to the category above. These candidates can also work as leads or managers and help the organization handle the end-to-end process. These may work for more complex projects or can handle multiple projects at a time.

2) Location of Employees

Every location has a different cost of living. The location of work will impact the cost to hire a swift developer directly. The standard of living also differs from location to location and hence this is one of the crucial factors that affect the cost to hire an iOS developer.

3) Complexity of Work

More complex tasks require more experienced candidates and hence, the cost to hire swift developers is high. Developers who are well-versed in technologies that are in demand will charge more.

4) Technology Stack

Working professionals that are sound with the latest technologies in swift development will charge more. The selection of tools will affect the development cost along with the developer’s salary. Hence, organizations always prefer candidates that have quick learning abilities.

What Swift Developers are charging as a freelancer at various locations?




$20 to $35 per hour


$81 to $100 per hour


$90 to $120 per hour


$25 to $50 per hour

Tips to Hire a Remote iOS Developer at a Low Cost

Image: By Author

Nowadays, a lot of new opportunities are being created in this field. Several programmers are well-versed in iOS development.

Here are some crucial points that you should keep in mind while hiring an iOS developer.

Technical Expertise:

Technically sound programmers are always in demand because technical expertise is one of the crucial elements to consider while hiring. During the interview, you can also ask candidates to show the previous work they have developed. It will help you to understand more about the process they follow to create any software.

Aware of the Latest Trends:

A good IOS programmer must be aware of the latest trends related to iOS software. You can also evaluate coding skills during interviewing by providing them the real scenarios.

Fast Coding Skills:

An experienced IOS developer must possess the ability to initiate different projects and can code quickly. Since coding is a fundamental need in building applications from scratch. Good programmers should have all the rules concerning swift development at their fingertips.

High Performance and Excellence:

A good IOS programmer should have high performance. With this excellence, these developers can get their job done within the deadline. These developers should possess excellent qualities and knowledge of tools and the latest technologies related to Swift development.


In this blog, we discussed tips for hiring iOS developers at a low cost and factors that might impact the cost to hire remote Swift developers. We hope you find this information relevant to your query.

You can consult any top iOS Development Company if you are looking for Swift development services. They would like to help you to overcome your challenges.



chris evans
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Hi! My name is Chris Evans. Currently working as a Digital Marketing Executive at, I post about Mobile Apps, Web Apps, and more.