How to Create Reusable Laravel Modules from Scratch?

Aaron Reddix
Published in
8 min readMay 16, 2024
How to Create Reusable Laravel Modules from Scratch

As Laravel projects grow in complexity, maintaining a clean and organized codebase becomes paramount. Laravel modules offer a compelling solution by enabling you to structure your application into self-contained, reusable components. These modules promote code organization, separation of concerns, and ultimately, improved maintainability.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide for creating custom reusable Laravel modules from scratch. We’ll walk you through the essential steps involved in setting up the module structure, defining configuration, and implementing functionalities like models, controllers, views, and migrations. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped to build custom Laravel modules that streamline your development process and make your codebase more efficient and reusable.

Setting Up the Module Structure

The first step in creating a reusable Laravel module is establishing a well-defined directory structure. This structure promotes organization and clarity, making it easier to understand and maintain your module’s functionalities.

Recommended Directory Structure:

  • modules/YourModuleName: This is the root directory for your module. Replace YourModuleName with a descriptive name that reflects the module’s purpose (e.g., modules/EcommerceProductModule).
  • Config: This directory will house any configuration files specific to your module.
  • Controllers: This directory will contain all the controller classes responsible for handling user requests related to your module’s functionalities.
  • Migrations: Here, you’ll define any database migrations required by your module to create or modify tables.
  • Models: This directory will contain your module’s model classes, which interact with the database using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM.
  • Providers: This directory can house a service provider class for your module.
  • Resources: This directory contains subdirectories for views and other module-specific assets:
    1. views: This subdirectory will contain Blade templates defining the user interface elements associated with your module’s functionalities.
    2. You can add additional subdirectories within Resources for other assets like JavaScript or CSS files specific to your module.
  • Tests: This directory is highly recommended to include unit and integration tests for your module’s functionalities.

Here’s a breakdown of the recommended directory layout:

recommended directory layout

Naming Conventions:

  • Use clear and consistent naming conventions for your module directory, files, and classes. This enhances readability and maintainability for you and other developers working on the project.
  • Adhere to Laravel’s conventions (e.g., PascalCase for class names, snake_case for file names).

Module Configuration

With the directory structure established, let’s configure your Laravel module using a module.json file. This file serves as a central location to define key information about your module, making it easier for your application to recognize and utilize its functionalities.

Creating the module.json file:

  1. Within the root directory of your module (e.g., modules/YourModuleName), create a new file named module.json.
  2. Open the module.json file in your preferred text editor.

Defining Module Information:

The module.json file typically contains a JSON formatted object outlining essential details about your module. Here’s a breakdown of the key properties you’ll likely include:

Defining Module Information
  • name: This property specifies the unique name of your module. Ensure it’s a valid string that reflects the module’s purpose.
  • description: Briefly describe the functionality provided by your module. This helps developers understand what the module does.
  • providers: This property is an optional array where you can list the service provider classes associated with your module.

Additional Considerations:

  • You can include other optional properties in your module.json file depending on your module’s specific needs.
  • For a comprehensive list of configurable properties, refer to the official Laravel documentation on modules.

Module Registration

With the module structure and configuration established, it’s time to integrate your custom module into your Laravel application. Laravel offers two main approaches for achieving this:

  1. Manual Registration: This approach involves manually registering the module’s functionalities within your application’s service providers (typically AppServiceProvider). While suitable for simpler modules, it can become cumbersome for complex modules with many functionalities.
  2. Service Providers: For improved organization and maintainability, Laravel modules often utilize service providers. These are classes that register various aspects of your module with the Laravel application.

Service Providers for Modules:

  1. Create a Service Provider: Within the Providers directory of your module, create a new class named YourModuleServiceProvider.php (replace YourModuleName with your actual module name).
  2. Extend the ServiceProvider Class: This class should extend Laravel’s ServiceProvider class. This grants access to methods for registering functionalities within your application.
  3. Register Module Functionalities: Within the register method of your service provider class, you can register various aspects of your module, such as:
    * Routes: Utilize the $this->app->router->group method to define routes specific to your module’s functionalities.
    * Event Listeners: Leverage the $this->app[‘events’]->listen method to register event listeners for events relevant to your module.
    * Bindings: For complex modules, you might use bindings to define custom service bindings specific to your module.

Benefits of Service Providers:

  • Improved Organization: Service providers keep your module’s registration logic centralized and organized.
  • Maintainability: Changes to module registration are isolated within the service provider, simplifying maintenance.
  • Testability: You can easily test the registration logic defined within your service provider class.

Choosing the Registration Approach:

  • For simpler modules with minimal functionalities, manual registration within existing service providers might suffice.
  • For complex modules with extensive functionalities, creating a dedicated service provider is the recommended approach for improved organization and maintainability.

Note: We won’t delve into the specific code for registering functionalities within the service provider class, as it can vary depending on your module’s needs. However, the provided explanation should equip you with an understanding of service providers and their role in module registration.

Building Module Functionalities

Now that your module’s foundation is established, let’s delve into building the core functionalities that bring your reusable component to life. Here, we’ll explore how to implement essential aspects like models, controllers, views, and migrations within your Laravel module.

1. Models:

  • Models are the representation of your data within Laravel. If your module interacts with the database, you’ll define models within the Models directory of your module.
  • These models will extend Laravel’s Model class and utilize Eloquent, Laravel’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapper), to interact with the database tables associated with your module’s functionalities.

Example Model Structure (models/YourModuleName.php):

Model Structure

2. Controllers:

  • Controllers handle incoming HTTP requests related to your module’s functionalities. Create controller classes within the Controllers directory of your module.
  • These controllers will typically leverage your module’s models and other functionalities to process requests, generate responses, and interact with the user interface.

Example Controller Structure (controllers/YourModuleController.php):

Controller Structure


  • Views define the user interface elements associated with your module’s functionalities. Create Blade template files within the views subdirectory of your module’s Resources directory.
  • These views will utilize Blade syntax to dynamically generate HTML content based on the data passed from your controllers.

Example View Structure (resources/views/yourmodule/some-view.blade.php):

View Structure

4. Migrations:

  • If your module requires modifications to the database schema (creating or altering tables), define migration files within the Migrations directory of your module.
  • These migrations will utilize Laravel’s migration system to manage database schema changes and ensure a consistent database structure across environments.

Note: We haven’t included specific code examples for migrations due to their variability depending on your module’s needs. Refer to the Laravel documentation on migrations for detailed guidance.

Testing Your Module

Building a robust and reusable Laravel module requires ensuring its functionalities work as expected. Here, we’ll briefly highlight the importance of testing your module’s code.

Importance of Testing:

  • Prevents Regressions: Unit and integration tests help identify potential issues during development and prevent regressions in future code changes.
  • Improves Confidence: Having a test suite for your module increases confidence in its functionality and reliability.
  • Encourages Clean Code: The process of writing tests often leads to cleaner and more maintainable code within your module.

Testing Frameworks:

  • Laravel integrates seamlessly with popular testing frameworks like PHPUnit. These frameworks provide tools and functionalities for writing various types of tests.

Types of Tests:

  • Unit Tests: Focus on testing individual units of code, such as your module’s models and controllers, in isolation.
  • Integration Tests: Test how different parts of your module (models, controllers, and views) work together to achieve specific functionalities.

Testing Considerations:

  • Write unit tests for your models to verify their database interactions and logic.
  • Test your controllers to ensure they handle requests correctly and interact with models as expected.
  • Consider testing your views to confirm they render the UI elements based on the provided data.

By incorporating unit and integration tests within your development process, you can significantly improve the quality, reliability, and maintainability of your custom Laravel modules.

Also Read:

Publishing Your Module

Once you’ve built and tested your custom Laravel module, you might consider how you’ll use it within your projects. Here, we’ll briefly explore two main options:

1. Private Use Within a Project:

  • If your module is intended for internal use within a single Laravel project, you don’t necessarily need to publish it externally.
  • Simply include your module directory within your project’s root directory and follow the registration steps (manual or service provider) as discussed earlier.

2. Public Availability as a Package:

  • If you’d like to share your module with the wider Laravel community or use it across multiple projects, consider publishing it as a Laravel package.
  • This involves creating a dedicated package repository, adhering to Laravel package development best practices (including a clear installation process and documentation), and potentially publishing it to a package registry like Packagist.

Publishing a Laravel package is a broader topic beyond the scope of this article. However, if you’re interested in sharing your module publicly, we recommend exploring the Laravel documentation on package development for detailed guidance.


This article provided a comprehensive guide for creating custom reusable Laravel modules from scratch. We explored the recommended directory structure, module configuration using module.json, and optional registration with service providers. We then delved into building core functionalities like models, controllers, views, and migrations. Finally, we emphasized the importance of testing your module and briefly touched upon considerations for publishing your module as a public Laravel package.

By following these guidelines and leveraging the power of Laravel modules, you can effectively structure your applications for optimal development, reusability, and maintainability. Explore the provided resources and delve deeper into Laravel’s documentation to further your understanding of modules, packages, and best practices for building robust Laravel applications.

A well-structured and reusable module not only streamlines your development process but also promotes cleaner, more maintainable codebases for your Laravel projects.



Aaron Reddix
Writer for

Web dev here, with a serious case of Flutter fever! Currently, exploring the exciting world of cross-platform development with Flutter.