How to deploy WordPress on Kubernetes — Part 1

Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2022


Learn how to setup MySQL on Kubernetes.

WordPress is a popular open-source CMS(content management system) software. Many organizations are using WordPress. Why people love WordPress. Because it is open-source software and developed using PHP which is easy to learn. And customization is also very easy if you know the basics of PHP. Many developers are developing both free and paid themes and plugins for WordPress. Installing the themes and plugins is very easy. Just one click to install and uninstall. So you will get plenty of options for your CMS when you use WordPress.

In this tutorial, you will learn, how to deploy the WordPress application to the Kubernetes cluster. Deploying the WordPress application is very if you know the basics of Kubernetes components such as Pods, Volume, Services, and Secrets. The WordPress deployment on Kubernetes is split into two-part. This is the first part. This article covers how to set up MySQL on Kubernetes and how to create a service for MySQL. The next part will focus on the WordPress deployment and how to connect with MySQL.

In this article, you will learn the following topics.

1. Create Secret for MySQL

2. Create PVC for MySQL



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