How to Learn HTML in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Selim Enes
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2022


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a fundamental building block of the internet and the World Wide Web. It is a markup language used to structure and organize content on web pages, and to create interactive and dynamic websites. HTML is easy to learn and use, and it is essential for anyone who wants to start creating websites or web applications.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to learn HTML in 2023. We will cover the basics of HTML, the tools and resources you need, and step-by-step instructions on how to create your first web page.

The Basics of HTML:

HTML is a markup language, which means it uses tags and elements to describe the content and structure of a web page. It is a hierarchical language, with a tree-like structure of nested elements. Each element has a start tag, content, and an end tag, and it can also have attributes that provide additional information about the element.

Some common HTML elements include:

  • <h1> to <h6> for headings
  • <p> for paragraphs
  • <ul> and <ol> for unordered and ordered lists
  • <img> for images
  • <a> for links
  • <div> and <span> for containers and inline elements

Tools and Resources:

To learn HTML, you will need a text editor and a web browser. There are many text editors available, both free and paid, such as Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, or Visual Studio Code. These editors provide syntax highlighting and autocompletion, which make it easier to write and understand HTML code.

You will also need a web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, to view and test your HTML pages. These browsers provide developer tools that allow you to inspect and debug your HTML code, and to see how it is rendered on the page.

In addition to these tools, there are many online resources that can help you learn HTML. Some of the best ones include:

  • W3Schools ( — This website provides a comprehensive HTML tutorial, with examples and exercises, and a reference section with all the HTML elements and attributes.
  • Mozilla Developer Network ( — This is the official documentation for HTML, provided by the Mozilla Foundation. It covers the latest standards and features of HTML, and it also includes tutorials, examples, and reference sections.
  • Codecademy ( — This is an online platform that offers interactive courses on various programming topics, including HTML. It provides step-by-step instructions and quizzes, and it allows you to practice your skills in a live coding environment.
  • freeCodeCamp ( — This is a non-profit organization that offers free online courses on web development and other topics. Its HTML course covers the basics of HTML and HTML5, and it also includes challenges and projects that allow you to apply your knowledge.

Creating Your First Web Page:

Now that you have the tools and resources, you are ready to create your first web page. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Open your text editor and create a new file.
  2. Add the following code to the file, which is the basic structure of an HTML page:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My First Web Page</title>
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
    <p>This is my first web page.</p>
  3. Save the file with the .html extension, for example, my-first-web-page.html.
  4. Open the file with your web browser. You should see the page with the heading and the paragraph, as shown in the code.
  5. Play around with the code, add more elements, change their attributes, and see how they are rendered on the page.
  6. Use the online resources and tutorials mentioned earlier to learn more about HTML, and to practice your skills.
  7. As you progress, you can try creating more complex pages, with different layouts, styles, and interactive elements. You can also learn other technologies, such as CSS and JavaScript, to enhance your web pages and make them more dynamic and engaging.


HTML is a simple and powerful language that allows anyone to create web pages and web applications. It is easy to learn and use, and there are many tools and resources available to help you get started. With dedication and practice, you can master HTML and build your own websites and web apps.

I hope this article provides a useful guide on how to learn HTML in 2023. Happy coding!



Selim Enes
Writer for

Sharing my experiences on learning front-end development path and more.