How To Make Money As A Mobile Developer Without Selling Your Soul

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7 min readAug 25, 2022


This is a guide for developers who have decided to make money as mobile developers. You’ll find out how to market yourself as a brand, get involved in open source projects, and more!

Work outside of your day job.

While you’re working your day job, you can make money as a developer by building apps for others. You could create apps for businesses that want to build an app or website, but don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves. Or you could work on projects for individuals who have an idea they want to turn into reality.

This is a great way to earn extra income while working at your day job and even build up some experience in the field.

Sell your own app.

If you’re serious about developing apps, consider selling your own. It takes a lot of work to develop an app, but if you can make some money in the process, it’s worth considering.

When selling your own app, keep in mind that what sets apart most successful mobile developers is their marketing strategy. App store optimization (ASO) is crucial for any developer looking to get their app noticed by potential customers. You’ll need to invest time and effort into learning how ASO works so that you can optimize your product page with keywords and descriptions that will appeal to what customers are searching for on Google Play or iTunes.

You can also sell your apps directly through a website like Gumroad or Sellfy instead of using one of the major app stores like Google Play or Apple Store — but this may not be worth it if there are fewer people who will discover and buy from your site than there would be if they could find it through more popular distribution channels such as Google Play or iTunes.

Start a blog

The blogosphere is a busy place, and your content will go unnoticed if you don’t stand out from the crowd.

  • Get your site up to speed and make sure it looks good. You can always use free tools like WordPress and Wix to get started with hosting.
  • Create an easily recognizable brand that reflects who you are as a person, not just as a developer or business owner. If people can identify with what you’re doing, they’ll be more likely to follow along with all of your projects!

Create a social media presence.

It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s not. It’s all about being active and consistent.

  • Create a Twitter account (and don’t forget to add your website link).
  • Create a Facebook page for the same purpose.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile with links to all of your other social media accounts. If you haven’t created an account yet, now is the time!
  • Start creating content on YouTube and build up an audience around your brand by posting regularly and engaging with viewers in comments sections or via direct messages/comments on YouTube videos as well as tweets that link back out to them (you’ll get more views this way). You could also consider using Patreon to fund some extra content creation efforts if money is tight right now; just make sure you’re offering value first before hitting up potential patrons for donations! Or maybe use Patreon just so that people know where else they can find more content from you :)
  • Go ahead and set up blog posts on topics related specifically towards mobile development such as tutorials explaining how certain aspects of programming work together better than others when developing apps (e.g., why it’s important for apps built specifically for iOS vs Android devices), etc., which will allow people interested in learning these skills themselves access through their browsers instead having only access via app stores like Apple’s App Store where downloads are limited due mainly due competition between companies vying for consumers attention spans among other factors limiting their number choices available at any given time — one could argue even though there may be millions upon millions downloaded worldwide daily still doesn’t mean anything unless those users actually come back regularly enough after trying something new then decided not worth buying again because wasn’t worth paying $0-$10 per month subscription charge required by most developers before downloading anything else; this

Get involved in open-source projects.

Open source is a software development model that’s different from traditional proprietary models. Instead of keeping the code a company creates (and therefore the revenue it generates) to itself, open source encourages collaboration and sharing. By making its code accessible to everyone — including competitors — a company can get help fixing bugs, testing new releases, and even improving existing features.

Open-source companies don’t make money by selling their software directly; instead, they derive income from partnerships with other businesses that use the software in their products or services, either as part of a packaged product or as a hosted service. For instance, if you’re working for an organization that wants to use your open-source project (like Drupal or WordPress), you could charge them for professional services like configuration or customization work required by their specific needs — but only after they’ve paid you for access to your code base!

Start freelancing on the side.

Before anything related to freelancing, I would really recommend reading through one of our previous posts “Top 3 Things You Need To Know Before Becoming A Freelance Developer”.

Freelancing is a great way to make money, and it can be done from anywhere. If you’re not sure where to start, one of the best things you can do is learn more about your options. You may already be familiar with freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr that allow users to sell their services as independent contractors — but there are many other ways in which freelancers make money every day.

Another great option for side hustling as a mobile developer is working on freelance sites such as Toptal or Freelancer. In fact, these sites are often considered superior because they only accept applicants who have been handpicked by experts within their industry (for example: if you want to become an expert web developer). However, these platforms aren’t just for programmers — they offer opportunities across a wide range of fields including marketing/PR, business consulting, and more!

Market yourself as a brand.

You’re in the business of building brands. If you’re an app developer, your users are the brand. If you work in web development, your clients are the brand. You need to build a brand that reflects your personality and craftsmanship so that when people see your name on something they know it’s going to be quality work.

What is branding? It’s how others perceive you and what they expect from interacting with you as a person or company. Your goal is to establish yourself as an expert in whatever field or niche market you choose — and then build a name for yourself within that area by providing exceptional quality products and services for people who care about those things as much as (or more than) money itself. Hubspot has an outstanding blog that dives into the marketing and branding side of things. They cover so many topics that will stretch your own personal toolsets, especially for developers who are looking to start their own gig.

Teach others how to code.

Teaching others how to code can be one of the most satisfying — and lucrative — ways to make money as a mobile developer. Teaching is an excellent way to learn more about yourself, build your network, and get exposure while being paid.

You have plenty of options when it comes time to teach others how to code: you could do it in person (at a meetup or at local schools), online through video tutorials, or interactive coding websites like CodeWars or CodeCademy, or even in real-life games at corporate retreats.

Whatever your preferred method for teaching, you’re sure to find that it helps you better understand what makes mobile development tick by forcing yourself into teaching mode rather than just doing things for yourself inside your own bubble of expertise.

Now that you know how to make money as a mobile developer, you can get started!

By keeping in mind the key principles we’ve discussed here, like being professional and honest, and staying true to your own goals, there’s no reason why you can’t make money as a mobile developer. You may not be able to quit your day job right away, but if this is something that really interests you then I encourage you to work hard towards making it happen.

You don’t have to give up any part of yourself just because of the nature of this industry. You don’t have to sell out or compromise on what makes you unique or special just because some random person wants something from

you — especially if they’re willing (and ready) to pay for it!


If you’re looking to make money as a mobile developer, we hope this article has been helpful. There are many ways to do so, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

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