How to provide access to AWS EKS for Users & Roles (AWS IAM/SSO) and View information from the AWS EKS Console.

Nuwan Premaratne
Published in
8 min readMar 13, 2022


Kubernetes is a highly popular method of application hosting in the cloud. Since the Kubernetes makes its platform independent, lot of companies move their on-premises workloads in Kubernetes directly to Cloud. Kubernetes on cloud makes the life of Developers and Systems Engineers easier by managing the Management plans by the cloud provider itself and providing ability for the user to worry only about the worker nodes and the application that are going to be deployed in them.

AWS EKS Console View
AWS EKS Console

When an EKS Cluster is created the user or the role which created the EKS Cluster implicitly inherit the full admin rights to the cluster. This is by design and is needed to initially access the cluster and allow access to other users. In this article we’ll discuss on how to grant access to the Users or Roles to the EKS Cluster so that the workload information can be viewed from the AWS EKS Console without login into the Kubernetes Cluster and using the kubectl commands. Then, we’ll also look into how to provide access to the users who access AWS via AWS SSO not the AWS IAM.

Providing View Access to the Cluster for all resources



Nuwan Premaratne

Tech Lead working with Cloud Providers such as AWS, Azure mainly. Working on Customer required Cloud Infrastructure deployments.