How to secure your home Wifi

Anirban Mukherjee
Published in
7 min readNov 11, 2022


Your home WiFi is the place where all your data resides. It is the one place where your most private and confidential identities connect, and get exchanged. An unsecured home WiFi can break a lot of things around you.

Take a minute to think over this. After your mobile phone and your laptop, what is the one place where all your data can be visible? When you get an internet connection to your home, the telecom company takes responsibility to secure data flowing through their network. That network starts at the modem placed in your home. If someone hacks into your modem and records everything to talk to Alexa, the telecom company or anyone else, cannot really do much since the hack happened in your home network.

When you unbox and plug in the modem you receive from your new internet connection at home, the username and password on the modem is deliberately kept simple so you can easily set things up. A small sentence somewhere says that you should change. Little do realize how significant that sentence is.

Devices at your home

You are most likely reading this blog on a tablet, phone, or laptop which connects to your home WiFi. There is an, albeit old means of connecting your device to the same home internet network, that is through using an ethernet cable. But today’s gadgets are not geared toward that. By all means, ethernet is way more difficult for someone to “listen to” your information from compared to WiFi simply because someone outside your home cannot physically…



Anirban Mukherjee
Writer for

Loves writing code, building projects, writing about tech stuff, running side hustles; Engineering leader by day, nerd builder by night.