How to use ChatGpt4 for Digital Marketing- best prompts for using chatGPT4 for digital marketing.

Ms. Ibrahim
Published in
15 min readNov 20, 2023


Digital marketing is synonymous to online marketing. It involves setting up strategies to contact your potential customers via digital channels. Why is this necessary? Statistics show that in spite of the number of people using the internet today, there is still a progressive increase in the number of online users daily. This suggests that if you want to make the most of your marketing strategies, you need to include a component that reaches your customers where they spend a significant amount of their time-online.

Learn how to use ChatGPT4 to create a digital marketing strategy and the best prompts for using ChatGPT 4

What is chatgpt4?

ChatGPT 4 is one of the most advanced AI chatbots in vogue. It is an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI (a research organization focused on creating advanced Artificial intelligence technologies). ChatGPT 4 is based on the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) language model, which is the recent version of the GPT series. Like its predecessors, the chatbot was trained using a massive amount of data (between billions to trillions of parameters) in order to make the AI understand human language and integrate natural human responses in conversation.

A major improvement in this model compared to ChatGPT3 is that it accepts both text and image inputs in order to produce text outputs. Compared to previous versions, it is more accurate, faster and has a wider range of applications.

The industries ChatGPT 4 use cases can be applied include :

● Customer Service Chatbot

● Personalization of Emails

● Text-to-Speech Conversion

● Marketing and Advertising

● Document Generation

● Cyber Security

● Software Development

● Business Intelligence

● Supply Chain Management

How to use ChatGPT4 for digital marketing

Below are ways you can use ChatGPT4 for digital marketing

● Competitor analysis: you can use this AI model to gain insights into strategies of competitors. You can also ask ChatGPT4 to help you with a list of the main competitors in your market and specific geographic location.

● Keyword research: using the right prompts, you can ask the chatbot to provide you with high ranking keyword used by your competitors as well as how you can optimize your current content using the right keywords.

● Email marketing: ChatGPT4 enables you to prompt it to draft a welcome mail for your subscribers or provide you with a mail strategy for your customers’ journey

● Content ideas and inspiration: Due to the large amount of data the AI has been trained on, it has vast content ideas for different niches. If you are in the healthcare niche for example, you may simply ask ChatGPT4 to provide you content ideas on modern healthcare.

● Customer persona: due to the quality of training, the language model chatbot can easily provide you with a customer persona for your product. If you run a luxury fashion brand for example, you can prompt ChatGPT 4 to provide you with a detailed customer persona for a luxury fashion brand in “insert location”. For even better results, you can ask ChatGPT4 to provide you a customer persona for your competitor’s product, since you are targeting the same audience.

● Brand messaging: You can ask ChatGPT4 to suggest a brand tone consistent with you brand’s strategy or to help you with tag lines for your brand story. This is after providing the chatbot with enough context of course, so it can give an accurate suggestion. Afterwards, you may tweak the suggestion to your taste.

● Market research: ChatGPT4 is a great tool in this aspect. Using the right prompts, you can study the market trends in your business, the driving factors, what your competitors are doing and the strategies you can duplicate. It can also help you with insights on customer experience, keyword research plan and trend testing.

● Advertising: Whether you already have an ad running, or you want to create a new ad, ChatGPT4 can be applied. For the former, you can use it to optimize your campaign while for the latter, you can prompt it to provide you the best ways to run your campaign.

● Reports and analytics: using ChatGPT 4, you can track the success of your marketing efforts, or to provide you with metrics to focus on when monitoring the impact of your marketing strategies or ad campaigns. You can do this using the right prompts.

Best prompts for using ChatGPT 4 in digital marketing

Below are the best prompts you should use when utilizing ChatGPT4 for digital marketing.

● List [number] ideas for blog posts about [topic].”

● “List common challenges faced by [buyer persona description].”

● “Write a minute-long advertisement script about [product, service, or company].”

● “Generate [number] of viral TikTok ideas about [company, product, or service].”

● “Create 3 call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of this blog post URL.” Then insert the URL.

● Write 7 Tweets on [ insert topic] that inspire action

● “List the key marketing segments in [industry]. Which segment has the biggest opportunity for our [company, group, organization, business]?”

● “Create an advertising campaign about [company, product, or service] targeting [target audience]. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.”

● “Write [number] Google Ad headlines from [URL].”

● I need an influencer marketing campaign outline that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [specific type of content] from [influencer type] who can showcase the unique features and benefits of our [product/service] in a fun and creative way.

● “Create a 3-month social media campaign calendar for our product with the goal to [insert goal] and mention the channels we should focus on.”

● “List [number] viral Instagram Reels ideas about [company, product, or service].”

● Write an AIDA for [insert topic]

● “Write marketing copy to make my marketing emails more engaging. The copy must be about our [product, service, or company].”

● Write an attractive Instagram Caption [Insert Product]

● Using the ‘Emotional Appeal’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that uses [emotional appeal] to persuade [ideal customer persona] to take action and purchase our [product/service]. Choose an emotion such as [fear], [happiness], or [guilt].

How to optimize digital marketing strategy with ChatGPT4 ?

If you already have an existing digital marketing strategy that you intend to optimize, you can use ChatGPT4 to do so through these methods:

● Generate engaging visuals for your content

● Optimize content headline to more captivating and attention grabbing versions

● Outline top content structure to boost customer engagement

● Provide interesting topics for better customer experience

● Automate email marketing follow-up

● Conduct better A/B testing for your ads

● Generate informative meta tags for your blog content

Use Cases for Chat GPT4 In Digital Marketing — Benefits and Limitations

Use cases of Chatgpt4 vary from industry to industry. Some of the applicable use cases of ChatGPT4 include

● Finance

● Gaming

● Education

● Cyber security

● Marketing

Find out more on ChatGPT 4 use cases here


As much as this chatbot has a wide range of applications and is very beneficial, there are limitations and things to watch out for when using. These include:

● ChatGPT4 is unable to carry out physical tasks

● Some of the responses of ChatGPT4 might be inaccurate as it is trained using data sourced online and not everything online is true

● It is not as good at decision making compared to humans, try to tailor the recommendations as it tends to give generic advice.

● Always seek expert opinions when using ChatGPT4.

Alternative AIs for digital marketing

Depending on what you need an Ai to do, ChatGPT4 might not be the best for you and you’re considering alternatives. Below are some top alternatives to try out

● Socratic

● Bing AI

● DialoGPT

● Elsa Speaks

● Bloom

● OpenAI playground

● Jasper Chat

● NeevaAI

● CoPilot

● Tabnine

● Amazon Codewhisperer

● Bard AI

● LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications)

● For further details on ChatGPT 4 alternatives, click here


AI is revolutionizing the way we live, think and do marketing. It is best to consider how to utilize the services provided by chatbots like ChatGPT 4 for better marketing. We hope this article has provided y9u with all the information you need on utilizing ChatGPT 4 for your next digital marketing campaign.

Good luck!

You can read more on similar articles here

● Customer Service Chatbot

● Personalization of Emails

● Text-to-Speech Conversion

● Marketing and Advertising

● Document Generation

● Cyber Security

● Software Development

● Business Intelligence

● Supply Chain Management

How to use ChatGPT4 for digital marketing

Below are ways you can use ChatGPT4 for digital marketing

● Competitor analysis: you can use this AI model to gain insights into strategies of competitors. You can also ask ChatGPT4 to help you with a list of the main competitors in your market and specific geographic location.

● Keyword research: using the right prompts, you can ask the chatbot to provide you with high ranking keyword used by your competitors as well as how you can optimize your current content using the right keywords.

● Email marketing: ChatGPT4 enables you to prompt it to draft a welcome mail for your subscribers or provide you with a mail strategy for your customers’ journey

● Content ideas and inspiration: Due to the large amount of data the AI has been trained on, it has vast content ideas for different niches. If you are in the healthcare niche for example, you may simply ask ChatGPT4 to provide you content ideas on modern healthcare.

● Customer persona: due to the quality of training, the language model chatbot can easily provide you with a customer persona for your product. If you run a luxury fashion brand for example, you can prompt ChatGPT 4 to provide you with a detailed customer persona for a luxury fashion brand in “insert location”. For even better results, you can ask ChatGPT4 to provide you a customer persona for your competitor’s product, since you are targeting the same audience.

● Brand messaging: You can ask ChatGPT4 to suggest a brand tone consistent with you brand’s strategy or to help you with tag lines for your brand story. This is after providing the chatbot with enough context of course, so it can give an accurate suggestion. Afterwards, you may tweak the suggestion to your taste.

● Market research: ChatGPT4 is a great tool in this aspect. Using the right prompts, you can study the market trends in your business, the driving factors, what your competitors are doing and the strategies you can duplicate. It can also help you with insights on customer experience, keyword research plan and trend testing.

● Advertising: Whether you already have an ad running, or you want to create a new ad, ChatGPT4 can be applied. For the former, you can use it to optimize your campaign while for the latter, you can prompt it to provide you the best ways to run your campaign.

● Reports and analytics: using ChatGPT 4, you can track the success of your marketing efforts, or to provide you with metrics to focus on when monitoring the impact of your marketing strategies or ad campaigns. You can do this using the right prompts.

Best prompts for using ChatGPT 4 in digital marketing

Below are the best prompts you should use when utilizing ChatGPT4 for digital marketing.

● List [number] ideas for blog posts about [topic].”

● “List common challenges faced by [buyer persona description].”

● “Write a minute-long advertisement script about [product, service, or company].”

● “Generate [number] of viral TikTok ideas about [company, product, or service].”

● “Create 3 call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of this blog post URL.” Then insert the URL.

● Write 7 Tweets on [ insert topic] that inspire action

● “List the key marketing segments in [industry]. Which segment has the biggest opportunity for our [company, group, organization, business]?”

● “Create an advertising campaign about [company, product, or service] targeting [target audience]. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.”

● “Write [number] Google Ad headlines from [URL].”

● I need an influencer marketing campaign outline that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [specific type of content] from [influencer type] who can showcase the unique features and benefits of our [product/service] in a fun and creative way.

● “Create a 3-month social media campaign calendar for our product with the goal to [insert goal] and mention the channels we should focus on.”

● “List [number] viral Instagram Reels ideas about [company, product, or service].”

● Write an AIDA for [insert topic]

● “Write marketing copy to make my marketing emails more engaging. The copy must be about our [product, service, or company].”

● Write an attractive Instagram Caption [Insert Product]

● Using the ‘Emotional Appeal’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that uses [emotional appeal] to persuade [ideal customer persona] to take action and purchase our [product/service]. Choose an emotion such as [fear], [happiness], or [guilt].

How to optimize digital marketing strategy with ChatGPT4 ?

If you already have an existing digital marketing strategy that you intend to optimize, you can use ChatGPT4 to do so through these methods:

● Generate engaging visuals for your content

● Optimize content headline to more captivating and attention grabbing versions

● Outline top content structure to boost customer engagement

● Provide interesting topics for better customer experience

● Automate email marketing follow-up

● Conduct better A/B testing for your ads

● Generate informative meta tags for your blog content

Use Cases for Chat GPT4 In Digital Marketing — Benefits and Limitations

Use cases of Chatgpt4 vary from industry to industry. Some of the applicable use cases of ChatGPT4 include

● Finance

● Gaming

● Education

● Cyber security

● Marketing

Find out more on ChatGPT 4 use cases here


As much as this chatbot has a wide range of applications and is very beneficial, there are limitations and things to watch out for when using. These include:

● ChatGPT4 is unable to carry out physical tasks

● Some of the responses of ChatGPT4 might be inaccurate as it is trained using data sourced online and not everything online is true

● It is not as good at decision making compared to humans, try to tailor the recommendations as it tends to give generic advice.

● Always seek expert opinions when using ChatGPT4.

Alternative AIs for digital marketing

Depending on what you need an Ai to do, ChatGPT4 might not be the best for you and you’re considering alternatives. Below are some top alternatives to try out

● Socratic

● Bing AI

● DialoGPT

● Elsa Speaks

● Bloom

● OpenAI playground

● Jasper Chat

● NeevaAI

● CoPilot

● Tabnine

● Amazon Codewhisperer

● Bard AI

● LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications)

● For further details on ChatGPT 4 alternatives, click here


AI is revolutionizing the way we live, think and do marketing. It is best to consider how to utilize the services provided by chatbots like ChatGPT 4 for better marketing. We hope this article has provided y9u with all the information you need on utilizing ChatGPT 4 for your next digital marketing campaign.

Good luck!

You can read more on similar articles here

● Customer Service Chatbot

● Personalization of Emails

● Text-to-Speech Conversion

● Marketing and Advertising

● Document Generation

● Cyber Security

● Software Development

● Business Intelligence

● Supply Chain Management

How to use ChatGPT4 for digital marketing

Below are ways you can use ChatGPT4 for digital marketing:

● Competitor analysis: you can use this AI model to gain insights into strategies of competitors. You can also ask ChatGPT4 to help you with a list of the main competitors in your market and specific geographic location.

● Keyword research: using the right prompts, you can ask the chatbot to provide you with high ranking keyword used by your competitors as well as how you can optimize your current content using the right keywords.

● Email marketing: ChatGPT4 enables you to prompt it to draft a welcome mail for your subscribers or provide you with a mail strategy for your customers’ journey

● Content ideas and inspiration: Due to the large amount of data the AI has been trained on, it has vast content ideas for different niches. If you are in the healthcare niche for example, you may simply ask ChatGPT4 to provide you content ideas on modern healthcare.

● Customer persona: due to the quality of training, the language model chatbot can easily provide you with a customer persona for your product. If you run a luxury fashion brand for example, you can prompt ChatGPT 4 to provide you with a detailed customer persona for a luxury fashion brand in “insert location”. For even better results, you can ask ChatGPT4 to provide you a customer persona for your competitor’s product, since you are targeting the same audience.

● Brand messaging: You can ask ChatGPT4 to suggest a brand tone consistent with you brand’s strategy or to help you with tag lines for your brand story. This is after providing the chatbot with enough context of course, so it can give an accurate suggestion. Afterwards, you may tweak the suggestion to your taste.

● Market research: ChatGPT4 is a great tool in this aspect. Using the right prompts, you can study the market trends in your business, the driving factors, what your competitors are doing and the strategies you can duplicate. It can also help you with insights on customer experience, keyword research plan and trend testing.

● Advertising: Whether you already have an ad running, or you want to create a new ad, ChatGPT4 can be applied. For the former, you can use it to optimize your campaign while for the latter, you can prompt it to provide you the best ways to run your campaign.

● Reports and analytics: using ChatGPT 4, you can track the success of your marketing efforts, or to provide you with metrics to focus on when monitoring the impact of your marketing strategies or ad campaigns. You can do this using the right prompts.

Best prompts for using ChatGPT 4 in digital marketing

Below are the best prompts you should use when utilizing ChatGPT4 for digital marketing.

● List [number] ideas for blog posts about [topic].”

● “List common challenges faced by [buyer persona description].”

● “Write a minute-long advertisement script about [product, service, or company].”

● “Generate [number] of viral TikTok ideas about [company, product, or service].”

● “Create 3 call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of this blog post URL.” Then insert the URL.

● Write 7 Tweets on [ insert topic] that inspire action

● “List the key marketing segments in [industry]. Which segment has the biggest opportunity for our [company, group, organization, business]?”

● “Create an advertising campaign about [company, product, or service] targeting [target audience]. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.”

● “Write [number] Google Ad headlines from [URL].”

● I need an influencer marketing campaign outline that will engage my [ideal customer persona] with [specific type of content] from [influencer type] who can showcase the unique features and benefits of our [product/service] in a fun and creative way.

● “Create a 3-month social media campaign calendar for our product with the goal to [insert goal] and mention the channels we should focus on.”

● “List [number] viral Instagram Reels ideas about [company, product, or service].”

● Write an AIDA for [insert topic]

● “Write marketing copy to make my marketing emails more engaging. The copy must be about our [product, service, or company].”

● Write an attractive Instagram Caption [Insert Product]

● Using the ‘Emotional Appeal’ framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that uses [emotional appeal] to persuade [ideal customer persona] to take action and purchase our [product/service]. Choose an emotion such as [fear], [happiness], or [guilt].

How to optimize digital marketing strategy with ChatGPT4

If you already have an existing digital marketing strategy that you intend to optimize, you can use ChatGPT4 to do so through these methods:

● Generate engaging visuals for your content

● Optimize content headline to more captivating and attention grabbing versions

● Outline top content structure to boost customer engagement

● Provide interesting topics for better customer experience

● Automate email marketing follow-up

● Conduct better A/B testing for your ads

● Generate informative meta tags for your blog content

Use Cases for Chat GPT4 In Digital Marketing — Benefits and Limitations

Use cases of Chatgpt4 vary from industry to industry. Some of the applicable use cases of ChatGPT4 include:

● Finance

● Gaming

● Education

● Cyber security

● Marketing


As much as this chatbot has a wide range of applications and is very beneficial, there are limitations and things to watch out for when using. These include:

● ChatGPT4 is unable to carry out physical tasks

● Some of the responses of ChatGPT4 might be inaccurate as it is trained using data sourced online and not everything online is true

● It is not as good at decision making compared to humans, try to tailor the recommendations as it tends to give generic advice.

● Always seek expert opinions when using ChatGPT4.

Alternative AIs for digital marketing

Depending on what you need an Ai to do, ChatGPT4 might not be the best for you and you’re considering alternatives. Below are some top alternatives to try out:

● Socratic

● Bing AI

● DialoGPT

● Elsa Speaks

● Bloom

● OpenAI playground

● Jasper Chat

● NeevaAI

● CoPilot

● Tabnine

● Amazon Codewhisperer

● Bard AI

● LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications)

For further details on ChatGPT 4 alternatives, click here


AI is revolutionizing the way we live, think and do marketing. It is best to consider how to utilize the services provided by chatbots like ChatGPT 4 for better marketing. We hope this article has provided y9u with all the information you need on utilizing ChatGPT 4 for your next digital marketing campaign.

Good luck!

