How to Use Git for Website Development? (Tips for PHP Developers)

Efficient website development with Git for PHP developers. Level up your skills with these practical tips and best practices

Nico Anastasio


In this article, you are going to discover a feature that changed my life and one of thousands of developers for the better.

We’ll be talking about GIT,

GIT is a version-control system for tracking changes in source code during the development phase

Before delving into what that means let me tell you a story

The year is 2015,

Just a few weeks in at a new job as a PHP developer for a web development start-up and my boss asked me to create a CMS for a long-time hotel owner who just became a client of us.

If you have managed a hotel for a few decades you are supposed to know what you need when you reach out for an automatic CMS that has to manage employees and room bookings.

As you might have guessed already, that was not the case.

The project started with the best intentions, the owner was excited about the features we were going to implement and happy about all the time that the system was going to save him.



Nico Anastasio
Writer for

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