I Worked with a Newbie Programmer Who Pretended like a Senior

And I revealed his true color.

Josef Cruz


Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Our company has added another brand new programmer to the team. He was confident and sounded very smart in programming tools, methods, and up to date in industry trends. I thought he’d make our life easier because another person is contributing something to the table.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case. When I had a chance to look at the code of the newbie, I scratched and shook my head slowly in disappointment. Here’s why

1. He puts everything in one file.

Breaking components into smaller files is for the weak. It only causes problems. You must maintain the directory structure, split files, and keep order in the imports.

In a word — a tremendous waste of time. And you know, time is the most important thing in programming. So the solution to this problem is simple — one big file with everything.

You don’t have to worry about imports or directory structure. You have everything in one place. You don’t have to wonder where to put the shared component in a word, only advantages.

2. He creates single letter variables



Josef Cruz
Writer for

Entrepreneur, coder, husband, father. I spend my days on the web learning and sharing information across the globe.