Autonomous Agents trained using Deep Reinforcement Learning to play the game of Tennis ( Image Source : )

Autonomous Agents trained using Deep Reinforcement Learning to play the game of Tennis

Implementation of Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) Algorithm to train 2 Agents play a game of Tennis against each other using Tennis Unity ML-Agent Environment

Pranay Kumar
Published in
19 min readSep 10, 2021


A brief introduction to the Problem Statement

Using modified version of Tennis Unity ML-Agent Environment, the objective of the project is to train 2 Agents play a game of Tennis against each other. In this environment, both agents control rackets to bounce a ball over a net. A reward of +0.1 is provided if an agent hits the ball over the net whereas a reward (penalty) of -0.01 is provided if an agent lets a ball hit the ground or hits the ball out of bounds. Thus, the goal of each agent is to keep the ball in play. The observation space consists of 8 variables corresponding to the position and velocity of the ball and racket. Each agent receives its own, local observation. The Action Space is continuous. 2 continuous actions are available, corresponding to movement toward (or away from) the net, and jumping. The task is episodic, and in order to solve the environment, both the agents must get an average score of +0.5 (over 100 consecutive episodes, after taking the maximum over both agents)

  1. After each episode, sum of the rewards that each agent received (without discounting) is taken to get a score for each agent. This yields 2 (potentially different) scores.
  2. Only the maximum of these 2 scores is considered for each episode.

The environment is considered solved, when the average of the maximum score per episode (over 100 episodes) is at least +0.5.

Results Showcase :

Untrained Agents moving Rackets at random unable to hit the Tennis Ball

Trained Agents properly playing Tennis controlling Rackets to consistently hit the Tennis Ball over the Net

State Space :

The observation space consists of 8 variables corresponding to the position and velocity of the ball and racket. Each agent receives its own, local observation.

Action Space :

The Action Space is continuous. 2 continuous actions are available, corresponding to movement toward (or away from) the net, and jumping.

Solution Criteria :

The task is episodic, and in order to solve the environment, both the agents must get an average score of +0.5 (over 100 consecutive episodes, after taking the maximum over both agents).

  1. After each episode, sum of the rewards that each agent received (without discounting) is taken to get a score for each agent. This yields 2 (potentially different) scores.
  2. Only the maximum of these 2 scores is considered for each episode.

The environment is considered solved, when the average of the maximum score per episode (over 100 episodes) is at least +0.5.

Relevant Concepts

This section provides a theoretical background describing current work in this area as well as concepts and techniques used in this work.

a) Reinforcement Learning : Reinforcement Learning has become very popular with recent breakthroughs such as AlphaGo and the mastery of Atari 2600 games. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a framework for learning a policy that maximizes an agent’s long-term reward by interacting with the environment. A policy maps situations (states) to actions. The agent receives an immediate short-term reward after each state transition. The long-term reward of a state is specified by a value-function. The value of state roughly corresponds to the total reward an agent can accumulate starting from that state. The action-value function corresponding to the long-term reward after taking action a in state s is commonly referred to as Q-value and forms the basis for the most widely used RL technique called Q-Learning

b) Temporal Difference Learning : Temporal Difference learning is a central idea to modern day RL and works by updating estimates for the action-value function based on other estimates. This ensures the agent does not have to wait until the actual cumulative reward after completing an episode to update its estimates, but is able to learn from each action.

c) Q-Learning : Q-learning is an off-policy Temporal Difference (TD) Control algorithm. Off-policy methods evaluate or improve a policy that differs from the policy used to make decisions. These decisions can thus be made by a human expert or random policy, generating (state, action, reward, new state) entries to learn an optimal policy from.

Q-learning learns a function Q that approximates the optimal action-value function. It does this by randomly initializing Q and then generating actions using a policy derived from Q, such as e-greedy. An e-greedy policy chooses the action with the highest Q value or a random action with a (low) probability of , promoting exploration as e (epsilon) increases. With this newly generated (state (St), action (At), reward (Rt+1), new state (St+1)) pair, Q is updated using rule 1.

This update rule essentially states that the current estimate must be updated using the received immediate reward plus a discounted estimation of the maximum action-value for the new state. It is important to note here that the update is done immediately after performing the action using an estimate instead of waiting for the true cumulative reward, demonstrating TD in action. The learning rate α decides how much to alter the current estimate and the discount rate γ decides how important future rewards (estimated action-value) are compared to the immediate reward.

d) Experience Replay : Experience Replay is a mechanism to store previous experience (St, At, Rt+1, St+1) in a fixed size buffer. Minibatches are then randomly sampled, added to the current time step’s experience and used to incrementally train the neural network. This method counters catastrophic forgetting, makes more efficient use of data by training on it multiple times, and exhibits better convergence behavior

e) Fixed Q Targets : In the Q-learning algorithm using a function approximator, the TD target is also dependent on the network parameter w that is being learnt/updated, and this can lead to instabilities. To address it, a separate network with identical architecture but different weights is used. And the weights of this separate target network are updated every few steps to be equal to the local network that is continuously being updated.

f) Deep Q-Learning Algorithm : In modern Q-learning, the function Q is estimated using a neural network that takes a state as input and outputs the predicted Q-values for each possible action. It is commonly denoted with Q(S, A, θ), where θ denotes the network’s weights. The actual policy used for control can subsequently be derived from Q by estimating the Q-values for each action give the current state and applying an epsilon-greedy policy. Deep Q-learning simply means using multilayer feedforward neural networks or even Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to handle raw pixel input

g) Value-Based Methods : Value-Based Methods such as Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning aim at learning optimal policy from interaction with the environment by trying to find an estimate of the optimal action-value function . While Q-Learning is implemented for environments having small state spaces by representing optimal action-value function in the form of Q-table with one row for each state and one column for each action which is used to build the optimal policy one state at a time by pulling action with maximum value from the row corresponding to each state ; it is impossible to maintain a Q-Table for environments with huge state spaces in which case the optimal action value function is represented using a non-linear function approximator such as a neural network model which forms the basis of Deep Q-Learning algorithm.

h) Policy-Based Methods (for Discrete Action Spaces) :
Unlike in the case of Value-Based Methods the optimal policy can be found out directly from interaction with the environment without the need of first finding out an estimate of optimal action-value function by using Policy-Based Methods. For this a neural network is constructed for approximating the optimal policy which takes in all the states in state space as input(number of input neurons being equal to number of states) and returns the probability of each action being selected in action space (number of output neurons being equal to number of actions in action space) The agent uses this policy to interact with the environment by passing only the most recent state as input to the neural-net model . Then the agent samples from the action probabilities to output an action in response . The algorithm needs to optimize the network weights as that the optimal action is most likely to be selected for each iteration during training, This logic helps the agent with its goal to maximize expected return.

NOTE : The above mentioned process explains the way to approximate a Stochastic Policy using Neural-Net by sampling of action probabilities. Policy-Based Methods can be used to approximate a Deterministic Policy as well by selecting only the Greedy Action for the latest input state fed to the model during forward pass for each iteration during training

i) Policy-Based Methods (for Continuous Action Spaces) : Policy-Based Methods can be used for environments having continuous action space by using a neural network used for estimating the optimal policy having an output layer which parametrizes a continuous probability distribution by outputting the mean and variance of a normal distribution. Then in order to select an action , the agent needs to pass only the most recent state as input to the network and then use the output mean and variance to sample from the distribution.

Policy-Based Methods are better than the Value-Based Methods owing to the following factors: a) Policy-Based Methods are simpler than Value-Based Methods because they do away with the intermediate step of estimating the optimal action-value function and directly estimate the optimal policy. b) Policy-Based Methods tend to learn the true desired stochastic policy whereas Value-Based Methods tend to learn a deterministic or near-deterministic policy. c) Policy-Based Methods are best suited for estimating optimal policy for environments with Continuous Action-Spaces as they directly map a state to action unlike Value-Based Methods which need to first estimate the best action for each state which can be carried out provided that the action space is discrete with finite number of actions ; but in case of Continuous Action Space the Value-Based Methods need to find the global maximum of a non-trivial continuous action function which turns out to be an Optimization Problem in itself.

j) Policy-Gradient Methods : Policy-Gradient Methods are a subclass of Policy-Based Methods which estimate the weights of an optimal policy by first estimating the gradient of the Expected Return (cumulative reward) over all trajectories as a function of network weights of a Neural-Net Model representing policy PI to be optimized using Stochastic Gradient Ascent by looking at each state-action pair in a Trajectory separately and by taking into account the magnitude of cumulative reward i.e. expected return for that Trajectory. Either network weights are updated to increase the probability of selecting an action for a particular state in case of receiving a positive reward or the network weights are updated to decrease the probability of selecting an action for a particular state in case of receiving a negative reward by calculating the gradient i.e. derivative of the log of probability of selecting an action given a state using the Policy PI with weights Theta and multiplying it with the reward (expected return) received over all state-action pairs present in a trajectory summed up over all the sampled set of trajectories. The weights Theta of the policy are now updated with the gradient estimate calculated over several iterations with the final goal of converging to the weights of an optimal policy.

k) Actor-Critic Methods : Actor-Critic Methods are at the intersection of Value-Based Methods such as Deep-Q Network and Policy-Based Methods such as Reinforce. They use Value-Based Methods to estimate optimal action-value function which is then used as a baseline to reduce the variance of Policy-Based Methods. Actor-Critic Agents are more stable than Value-Based Agents and need fewer samples/data to learn than Policy-Based Agents. Two Neural Networks are used here one for the Actor and one for the Critic. The Critic Neural-Net takes in a state to output State-Value function of Policy PI. The Actor Neural Net takes in a state and outputs action with highest probability to be taken for that state which is used then to calculate TD-Estimate for current state by using the reward for current state and the next state. The Critic Neural-Net gets trained using this TD-Estimate value. The Critic Neural-Net then is used to calculate the Advantage Function (sum of reward for current state and difference of discounted TD-Estimate of next state and TD-Estimate of current state) which is then used as a baseline to train the Actor Neural-net.

l) Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) Algorithm : DDPG Algorithm can be best described as Deep-Q Network Method for continuous action spaces instead of being called an actual Actor-Critic Method. The Critic Neural-Net Model in DDPG Algorithm is used to approximate the maximiser over the Q-Values of the next state and not as a learned baseline to reduce variance of the Actor Neural-Net Model. A Deep Q-Network Method cannot be used for continuous action spaces. In DDPG Method 2 neural networks are used for actor and critic similar to a basic Actor-Critic Method. The Actor Neural-Net is used to approximate the optimal policy deterministically by outputting only the best action for a given state rather than probability distribution for each action. The Critic Neural-Net estimates the optimal action-value function for a given state using the best-believed action outputted by the Actor Neural-Net. Hence here Actor is being used as an approximate maximiser to calculate a new target value for training the Critic to estimate action-value function for that state. DDPG algorithm uses Replay Buffer to store and get sampled set of experience tuples and uses the concept of soft-update to update the target networks of actor and critic as explained below.

Soft-Update of Actor and Critic Network Weights : In DDPG Algorithm regular and target network weights are there for both actor and critic networks. Target Network Weights are updated every time-step by adding a minor percentage of regular network weights to current target network weights keeping the major part of current target network weights. Using this soft-update strategy for updating target network weights helps a lot in accelerating learning.

m) Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) : When Multi-Agent Systems use Reinforcement Learning techniques to train the agents and make them learn their behaviors , then this process is termed as Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. Markov Games are a framework for implementation of MARL in the same way as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are used for Single-Agent Reinforcement Learning techniques.

n) Markov Games : Markov Games are a framework for implementation of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) techniques in the same way as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are used for Single-Agent Reinforcement Learning techniques. A Markov Game is a set of following parameters : a) Number of Agents b) Set of Environment States c) Set of Actions of each Agent d) Combined Action Space of both the Agents e) Set of Observations of each Agent f) Reward function of each Agent g) Set of Policies of each Agent h) State Transition function provided the current State and joint Action of all the Agents

Description of the Learning Algorithm used

Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) Algorithm : MADDPG Algorithm is an extension of the concept of DDPG Algorithm for multiple Agents. Each Agent individually is trained using DDPG Algorithm with each agent having its own actor and critic model. DDPG Algorithm is an off-policy actor-critic algorithm that uses the concept of target networks which get soft-updated using the latest weights of local networks for both actor and critic. While implementing MADDPG, actor model of each Agent receive as input the individual state (observations) of the agent and output a (two-dimensional) action vector. The critic model of each agent however, receives the states and actions of all actors of all the agents. This approach leads to information sharing between the agents. During training the Critic of each Agent receives extra information such as states observed and actions taken by all other Agents present whereas the Actor of each Agent has information regarding only that particular Agent’s observed states and actions taken. Throughout training all the agents use a shared experience replay buffer and draw independent samples. MADDPG Algorithm can be used to train multiple Agents in cooperative , competitive or mixed cooperative competitive environments. To summarize it can be said that MADDPG Algorithm is a centralized training and decentralized execution algorithm.

Neural Net Architecture Used:

Both the Agents used separate Neural Net Models for both Actor and Critic but the architectures of the Actor Models and Critic Models for both the Agents were same. For each Agent 2 Actor models and 2 Critic models were created for the local network and the target network.

a) Architecture of Actor Neural-Network Model (for each Agent) :

A multilayer feed-forward Neural Net Architecture was used with 2 Hidden layers each having 256 hidden neurons. The input layer
has number of input neurons equal to the state size and the the output layer has number of output neurons equal to action size. A
Leaky ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) Activation Function was used over the inputs of the 2 hidden layers while a tanh activation
function was used over the input of the output layer. Batch Normalization was used over the output of the first hidden layer. Weight initialization was done for the first 2 layers from uniform distribution in the negative to positive range of reciprocal of the
square root of number of weights for each layer. Weight initialization for the final layer was done from uniform distribution in the range of (-3e-3, 3e-3).

b) Architecture of Critic Neural-Network Model (for each Agent) :

A multilayer feed-forward Neural Net Architecture was used with 2 Hidden layers each having 256 hidden neurons. The input layer has 
number of input neurons equal to the product of sum of state size and action size for each agent and the number of agents i.e. the
sum of observation state space and action space for all the agents whereas the the output layer has number of output neurons equal
to 1. A Leaky ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) Activation Function was used over the inputs of the 2 hidden layers. Batch Normalization
was used over the output of the first hidden layer. Weight initialization was done for the first 2 layers from uniform distribution in the negative to positive range of reciprocal of the square root of number of weights for each layer. Weight initialization for the final layer was done from uniform distribution in the range of (-3e-3, 3e-3).

c) Other Details of Implementation :

1) Adam Optimizer was used for learning the neural network parameters with a learning rate of 1e-4 for Actor Neural-Net Model and a learning rate of 1e-3 and L2 weight decay of 0.0 for Critic Neural-Net Model for each Agent.

2) For the exploration noise process an Ornstein-Ulhenbeck Process was used with mu=0.(mean), theta=0.15 and sigma=0.2(variance)
to enable exploration of the physical environment in the simulation by the 2 Agents controlling the Tennis Rackets movements. But before adding noise to the action returned for the current state using the current policy the noise quantity was multiplied by a hyperparameter "noise weight" whose value was gradually decreased by multiplying with the hyperparameter "noise decay rate" to prefer exploration over exploitation only during the initial stages of training and gradually prefer exploitation over exploration during later stages of training as the value of the noise weight gradually decreases as training proceeds.

Hyperparameters Used:

  1. Number of Episodes : 5000
  2. Max_Timesteps : 1000
  3. N_AGENTS : 2 (number of distinct agents)
  4. STATE_SIZE : 24 (number of state dimensions for a single agent)
  5. ACTION_SIZE : 2 (number of action dimensions for a single agent)
    (Critic local and target networks for each agent receive information about observation states and actions taken by all the agents)
  7. HIDDEN NEURONS : 256 (number of hidden neurons for both the hidden layers of Actor and Critic local and target Neural Nets for each agent)
  8. LR_ACTOR : 1e-4 (learning rate of the Actor Neural-Net Model)
  9. LR_CRITIC : 1e-3 (learning rate of the Critic Neural-Net Model)
  10. WEIGHT_DECAY : 0.0 (L2 weight decay used by the Critic Neural-Net Model)
  11. BUFFER_SIZE : 10000 (replay buffer size)
  12. BATCH_SIZE : 256 (minibatch size)
  13. GAMMA : 0.99 (discount factor)
  14. TAU : 1e-3 (for soft update of target parameters)
  15. UPDATE_EVERY : 2 (how often to update the network)
  16. NOISE_START : 0.5 (initial exploration noise weighting factor)
  17. NOISE_DECAY : 1.0 (exploration noise decay rate)
  18. T_STOP_NOISE : 30000 (maximum number of timesteps with exploration noise applied in training)
  19. NOISE_ON : True (a Boolean flag to stop adding exploration noise if number of time steps exceed T_STOP_NOISE value)
  20. Target Goal Score : Average Score greater than or equal to +0.5 (over 100 consecutive episodes, after taking the maximum score over the scores of both agents per episode)

Plot of Rewards per Episode

Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) Algorithm Results :

A score of +0.5 achieved in 2877 episodes


Owing to Multi-Agent Nature of the given Problem Statement a lot of fluctuation / instability was witnessed during training of both the Agents. The Learning Curve fluctuation was reflected in the average scores calculated per episode during training. Eventually it took 2877 episodes to finally solve the environment for this implementation. Further exploration and experimentations need to be done to optimize the training process for achieving a faster and more stable learning curve by tweaking the Actor-Critic Model Architectures and the Hyperparameters Values. A research on implementing better algorithms in comparison to MADDPG Algorithm also needs to be looked into for multi-agent environments.

Installation Instructions to setup the Project :

1) Setting Up Python Environment :

a) Download and install Anaconda 3 (latest version 5.3) from this link ( the specific Operating System and Architecture (64-bit or 32-bit) being used for Python 3.6 + version onwards

b) Create (and activate) a new environment with Python 3.6.:
Open Anaconda prompt and then execute the below given commands

Linux or Mac:
conda create --name drlnd python=3.6
source activate drlnd

conda create --name drlnd python=3.6
activate drlnd

c) Minimal Installation of OpenAi Gym Environment
Below are the instructions to do minimal install of gym :

git clone
cd gym
pip install -e .

A minimal install of the packaged version can be done directly from PyPI: pip install gym

d) Clone the repository ( and navigate to the python/ folder.
Then, install several dependencies by executing the below commands in Anaconda Prompt Shell :

git clone
cd deep-reinforcement-learning/python
pip install . (or pip install [all] )

e) Create an Ipython Kernel for the drlnd environment :
python -m ipykernel install --user --name drlnd --display-name "drlnd"

f) Before running code in a notebook, change the kernel to match the drlnd environment by using the drop-down Kernel menu.

2) Install Unity ML-Agents associated libraries/modules:

Clone the GitHub Repository ( install the required libraries by running the below mentioned commands in the Anaconda Prompt

git clone
cd ml-agents/ml-agents (navigate inside ml-agents subfolder)
pip install . or (pip install [all]) (install the modules required)

3) Download the Unity Environment :

a) For this project, Unity is not necessary to be installed because readymade built environment has already been provided , and can be downloaded from one of the links below as per the operating system being used:

Mac OSX:
Windows (32-bit):
Windows (64-bit):

Place the downloaded file in the p3_collab-compet/ as well as python/ folder in the DRLND GitHub repository, and unzip (or decompress) the file.

c) (For AWS) If the agent is to be trained on AWS (and a virtual screen is not enabled), then please use this link ( for Tennis Environment to obtain the "headless" version of the environment. Watching the agent during training is not possible without enabling a virtual screen.(To watch the agent,follow the instructions to enable a virtual screen ( then download the environment for the Linux operating system above.)

Details of running the Code to Train the Agent / Test the Already Trained Agent :

  1. First of all clone this repository ( on local system.
  2. Also clone the repository ( mentioned previously on local system.
  3. Now place all the Source code files and pretrained model weights present in this cloned GitHub Repo inside the python/ folder of the Deep-RL cloned repository folder.
  4. Next place the folder containing the downloaded unity environment file for Windows (64-bit) OS inside the python/ folder of the Deep-RL cloned repository folder.
  5. Open Anaconda prompt shell window and navigate inside the python/ folder in the Deep-RL cloned repository folder.
  6. Run the command “jupyter notebook” from the Anaconda prompt shell window to open the jupyter notebook web-app tool in the browser from where any of the provided training and testing source codes present in notebooks(.ipynb files) can be opened.
  7. Before running/executing code in a notebook, change the kernel (IPython Kernel created for drlnd environment) to match the drlnd environment by using the drop-down Kernel menu.
  8. The source code present in the provided training and testing notebooks(.ipynb files) can also be collated in respective new python files(.py files) and then executed directly from the Anaconda prompt shell window using the command “python <>”.


  1. All the cells can executed at once by choosing the option (Restart and Run All) in the Kernel Tab.
  2. Please change the name of the (*.pth) file where the model weights are getting saved during training to avoid overwriting of already existing pre-trained model weights existing currently with the same filename.

Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) Algorithm Training / Testing Details (Files Used) :

For Training : Open the below mentioned Jupyter Notebook and execute all the cells : Tennis-Solution-Working.ipynb 

Neural Net Model Architecture file Used :
The Unity Agent file used :

For Testing : open the Jupyter Notebook file
"Tennis-MADDPGAgent_Test.ipynb" and run the code to test the
results obtained using Pre-trained model weights for Actor Neural-Net Model and Critic Neural-Net Model for each of the 2 Pre-trained Agents

Pretrained Model Weights provided :
1) checkpoint_actor_agent_0.pth
2) checkpoint_actor_agent_1.pth
3) checkpoint_critic_agent_0.pth
4) checkpoint_critic_agent_1.pth




  1. This article is also published in LinkedIn ( )
  2. If you wish to connect drop me a message over LinkedIn ( ) or email at



Pranay Kumar
Writer for

Deep Learning Engineer having experience in building AI-Enabled solutions across domains of Computer Vision | Reinforcement Learning | NLP | IOT | Deep Learning