Image by the author Giuliano Liguori

Industry 4.0’s impact on business

Giuliano Liguori


Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, refers to the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and automation into manufacturing and other industries. This integration is expected to lead to significant changes and improvements in the way businesses operate.

Some of the potential impacts of Industry 4.0 on business include:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity: The use of advanced technologies can help streamline and automate many business processes, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Improved decision-making: The use of data analytics and machine learning can help businesses make more informed decisions by providing real-time insights and predictions.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Industry 4.0 technologies can be used to personalize and improve the customer experience, for example by using IoT devices to track and optimize delivery routes or using chatbots to provide quick and convenient customer service.
  • New business models and revenue streams: Industry 4.0 technologies can enable businesses to create new products and services and explore new revenue streams, such as by offering subscription-based or pay-per-use models.



Giuliano Liguori
Writer for

Giuliano Liguori is a technologist, an influencer in the digital transformation and artificial intelligence space.