Is Julia Really Fast?

An overview of what you can and cannot expect from Julia performance. A guide to the fence sitters pondering whether to use Julia for high performance computing.

Erik Engheim


It may seem hard to believe that a dynamic language can be fast, but Julia is really high performance in a way I think people have a hard time wrapping their heads around.

I explain this in detail in my ACCU 2021 conference talk: A Tour of Julia — Erik Engheim

But that is about 1.5 hours, so here is the quick rundown. I use a nonsense function in Julia just to demonstrate how highly dynamic code can be optimized in Julia.

function foo(xs...)
ys = map(xs) do x
T = typeof(x)
k = convert(T, 2)
c = convert(T, 3)
k*x + c*x

It is not that important to understand exactly what it does. What I want to highlight in this code is a number of facts:

  1. No explict type information is written anywhere. A lot of people think Julia performance comes from type annotations. Not true.
  2. Optimization ought to be hard given that it has variable number of arguments xs... . How will a compiler know how to optimize? The number of args is only known at runtime.



Erik Engheim

Geek dad, living in Oslo, Norway with passion for UX, Julia programming, science, teaching, reading and writing.