Is Meeting Overload the Cause of Increased Burnout in Developers?

Developers have to do more development with less time

Ben "The Hosk" Hosking



Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything. John Kenneth Galbraith

More developers are suffering from burnout than ever, it’s increased during covid, is the cause meeting overload?

83% of Developers Suffer From Burnout and 81% Said It’s Gotten Worse During Covid. During covid I noticed my Outlook was full with meetings (as a solution architect) and developers were attending. Before I looked for the meetings, now I look for the spaces between meetings.

It got to the point that it was almost impossible to arrange a meeting with some people because everyday was full.

The developers I have spoken to have said the number of meetings have doubled during covid. If developers are in twice as many meetings, when do they get time to do their work? /when the meeting stop, after work.

Is the increase in meetings causing the increase in burnout?

Burning out developers is like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. The solution is to send the geese to the meetings and leave the developers to write code.



Ben "The Hosk" Hosking
Writer for

Technology philosopher | Software dev → Solution architect | Avid reader | Life long learner