JavaScript Vs Python For Web Development?

Sannan Malik
Published in
7 min readApr 9, 2022


There are many differences between JavaScript and Python, but both have many applications. JavaScript is often used as the front end of web applications. However, it is rarely used outside of a web browser. This article compares JavaScript vs Python to help you decide which to use. The differences between the two languages are highlighted below. Read on to find out how these two languages differ and how you can use each to create a great web application.

What is Python?

If you are a beginner to programming languages and you are interested in developing websites, you may be wondering, “What is Python for web development?” Many website owners are intimidated by the technicalities of this language and tend to gravitate towards easier programming languages. They might also believe that only big companies use this language. Well, this is not entirely true. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider using Python for your web development project.

First of all, it is an extremely powerful programming language for building web applications. You can use it for server-side and backend development. Python developers also have a lot of experience in the various niches of web development, from social media to enterprise websites. The language is also popular with web developers despite the fact that many are not…



Sannan Malik
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