Kubernetes: An Introduction, Part III

Security Lit Limited
Published in
5 min readMar 11, 2022


Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

This is part III of the Kubernetes Introduction series. In case you missed the first and the second blog posts, they can be found here and here respectively.

In the previous blog posts, we learnt what k8s is, its features, nodes, pods, secrets, ConfigMap and a lot more. This blog post will be dedicated to storage and scaling.

Let’s consider the same example we’ve been taking to maintain familiarity. We have 2 pods inside our node. Both pods run Docker containers. One has our application and the other has a MongoDB database.

Both our pods, be it the one holding our application or the one holding a MongoDB database, will generate some data. For instance, log data. This data is stored in the log files. But if our pod crashes, or if we had to restart it, all our data would be wiped out. This brings us to an important concept in the Kubernetes class. It is called data storage.



Kubernetes provides another component, which is volume storage. It connects a hard disc drive to your pod, which serves as physical storage. In addition, it should be noted that the hard disc can be installed either locally on the node…

