Let’s be full stack!

Aliakbar Zohour
Published in
6 min readNov 19, 2021

I invite you to an extremely attractive challenge, a challenge that will turn you into a full-fledged developer in a few months. The challenge is to become a full-fledged developer in seven months. If you are interested in the world of programming or like me, you love learning new things, this article is suitable for you …

In this article, I will determine the path of these seven months and give you an explanation so that we know what we want to do. If my article had a case, I would be happy to tell you in the comments section what the problem is. I myself have worked very broken and messy with all the sections that I want to introduce, but I want to start from the beginning and move forward with strength.

Well now we know what we want to do, now let’s go read the steps and start:


In the first step, we need to learn basic content such as HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT basic content and implement a series of mini-projects with them …

Tip: If you have mastered these basic skills, you can also work in SEO. Because this content is the foundation of SEO …

To learn these skills, you can visit the W3SCHOOLS website or Iranian websites and get good training. As you learn, take a look at projects created with html, css, js to develop both your creativity and your skills.

The most important things to learn:

  • Basic html tags (p, span, ul, li, h1, etc.)
  • Basic styling in css
  • Flex box discussion
  • Responsiveness using media queries
  • Control clicks and events with java script

There are other important things that if you follow, you will surely understand and learn them.

Second month (CSS Framework)

Well, after completing the challenges of the first month, you should make your work easier and go to css frameworks … css frameworks make your work easier in styling and responsiveness, and allow you this They know how to write cleaner and better code.

I suggest you learn bootstrap and tailwind because these two frameworks are more in demand and apart from the demand, they are easier and better than many css frameworks.

The most important thing to learn in the Framework section is the discussion of responsiveness. Because you need fewer media queries using frameworks.

Third Month (Full Javascript)

After overcoming the challenges of these two months, you need to improve your JavaScript skills. Try to learn JavaScript as much as possible, because JavaScript is rooted in every part of the computer world and is generally suitable for community programmers (in the words of hackers, wrench).

Everything is important in this section and as I said above, try as much as you can to learn and move forward and have an exciting month …

JavaScript is very important in the fields of web, hacking and security, application development, and if you know, you can switch between all these options …

Fourth month (Java script Framework)

Well now that you have mastered JavaScript, you can easily select a framework and work with it.

Try to learn React.js, because it is very, very powerful and you can write web applications with this framework, and if you like, write a mobile application with the same codes !!! This framework is in high demand and has become the most powerful JavaScript framework because of the access it gives you. Angular and ViewGS frameworks are also very powerful and I myself am interested in ViewGS, but for the future, I recommend React …

You will understand the important things yourself, but the things that are important:

  • Familiarity with typing scripts
  • Introduction to jsx
  • Familiarity with how to get information
  • And …

I suggest that you spend more time in this section (for example, two months) and be sure to do a project with it so that you can get started.

Fifth month (Backend Language)

Congratulations, you were able to complete the front end section in three months, and now it’s time to learn server-side programming so you can connect the front end and back end sections.

The best languages ​​I can introduce are PYTHON and PHP. Python is currently the most powerful programming language in the world, and in any field you enter, you will definitely need the Python language. I disagree. Currently, most websites in the world are made with php or based on php, and these specifications are not dead for a language at all!

There are many programming languages ​​and I would not say that they are bad, but for someone who is just starting out, these two languages ​​are the best choice.

In this section, the most important contents are that you should get acquainted with the basic principles of programming (syntax, variables, loop, fucntion, etc.) and learn how to connect front end to back end.

Sixth month (Data base language)

If you want to work on medium or large projects, you will definitely need to store the information somewhere and be able to connect it to the front, using backend programming languages. (This is very attractive)

Note: If you work with php, you work automatically with my sql

Learn the difference between sql and nosql and try to use them in a mini project ..

Seventh month (Project and Tools)

Congratulations, you have succeeded in turning yourself into a full-fledged developer. Now it’s time to apply everything you have learned and do a project with it (now either get a project for free or do a project for yourself and put it in the gate hub).

And the most important thing is that you must learn the tools, it is very important for you as a programmer to be able to do your work easily and automatically.

In the first to fourth months, be sure to learn to work with Gate, because it helps you control your projects in different versions. My suggestion is to look at the Jadi Git tutorial.

Search and enhance your information and try to find better and more powerful tools for yourself …

Continue the route. . .

Be proud of yourself for being able to increase your knowledge and challenge yourself. Now, after going through this long journey, try to become an expert in one of the front or back sections. This is the best thing for you.

Now that you have come this far, you definitely know how to continue and what to learn …


Of course, if you want to learn all this very well, it takes more than seven months, but if you want to have all these skills in moderation, these seven months are enough to become a full-fledged developer. If this is a problem or if you like it, I’ll be happy to let you know in the comments section. I hope this article has been interesting for programming enthusiasts and I have been able to provide a relatively good path.

Be healthy and healthy. . .

