Rakesh Potnuru
Published in
10 min readApr 26, 2022


Let’s learn, build, sell api

If you are in tech, then you may have heard this popular term called “API”. Some people use APIs for fun, some for money and some for their applications. There are N ways you can use APIs. In this blog, let’s learn what exactly is an API, how you can build your own API and how you can monetize your API.

Let’s get started

What is an API?

I am taking a popular example to explain this. Imagine you go to a restaurant to eat some food. Now you don’t directly go to the kitchen and cook yourself and then eat it, right 😂? (Of course, they don’t allow you to do so). You call a waiter and order your food. Then the waiter goes to the kitchen and brings your food.

api example

Here you can compare API with the waiter. So, API is an intermediary between two applications and makes it possible for those two applications to communicate with each other. If we put this in our example, one application is you the customer, another application is the restaurant kitchen where the food is prepared and the waiter is an API who acts as an intermediary between you and the kitchen.



Rakesh Potnuru
Writer for

I write about web technologies, tools and my learnings. Connect with me — itsrakesh.com. (New article every week.)