LibreOffice on Docker

The Office365 of open-source…

Mike Wolfe


Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

About four years ago, I took a giant leap and changed my daily driver operating system from Windows to Linux. At the time, it was a pretty big deal because I was about to embark on a crazy journey into the unknown. However, I wasn’t totally going out on a whim here. Through school classes and my own tinkering, I was able to get pretty comfortable using the command line interface. Yet, there was still a big question lingering in the room. Could apps on Linux replace the apps I used on Windows?

Open-Source Alternatives

During the months of playing around and getting comfortable with Linux, one of the new applications I came across was Libre Office. For those who aren’t familiar, Libre Office is an open-source alternative to Microsoft’s Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. Specifically talking about Libre Office Writer, it surprisingly has a lot of the same features as Microsoft Word. Another plus is that it can open .docx files pretty well too (great since every professor uses them). After a couple of years of usage and knowledge collection, I began to ask myself a new question. Can Libre Office run in a Docker container?

Libre Office on Docker?

It might seem a little weird, but yes, I did ask myself that question. The reason being is…



Mike Wolfe
Writer for

Software Developer, Tech Enthusiast, Runner. Current project Connect with me on LinkedIn: