Machine Learning — K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm with Python

A step-by-step guide to K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and its implementation in Python

Nikhil Adithyan


Image by Pixabay on Pexels

K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

‘K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a model that classifies data points based on the points that are most similar to it. It uses test data to make an “educated guess” on what an unclassified point should be classified as’

KNN Python Implementation

We will be building our KNN model using python’s most popular machine learning package ‘scikit-learn’. Scikit-learn provides data scientists with various tools for performing machine learning tasks. For our KNN model, we are going to use the ‘KNeighborsClassifier’ algorithm which is readily available in scikit-learn package. Finally, we will evaluate our KNN model predictions using the ‘accuracy score’ function in scikit-learn. Let’s do it!

Step-1: Importing the required Packages

Every simple or complex programming tasks start with importing the required packages. To build our KNN model, our primary packages…



Nikhil Adithyan

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