Making a Hack’n’slash #1: Moving and following our hero

Let’s create a hack’n’slash game to learn Unity and C#!

Mina Pêcheux
Published in
14 min readMar 31, 2022


TOC | Tutorial #2: Setting up cross-platform inputs ➡️

🚀 Find the code of this tutorial series on my Github!

Last year, I published a series of 52+ tutorials on how to make a RTS (real-time strategy) game in Unity/C#. That series of posts was sort of a “Unity Game Dev 101” course: the point was to introduce a wide variety of systems, discuss how they can be implemented in Unity and provide a detailed walkthrough of how to make your own basic RTS prototype. It was primarily aimed at Unity enthusiasts and beginners — the systems I presented were not necessarily prod-ready versions, the focus was rather on detailing the why and the basics than polishing everything.

I decided to continue this adventure with “level 2” of this “Unity Game Dev” course — this time, let’s explore the Hack’n’slash genre and discover more advanced Unity features, packages and tricks!

Of course, since I’m starting from scratch here, I might re-talk of systems I designed or hinted at in the RTS series… but all in all, I’ll make my best efforts to introduce new techniques and to show more robust workflows, and this series will be independent from the previous course. So don’t worry if…



Mina Pêcheux
Writer for

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)